Designed By Chris L. May 2007
card log
moonlight legend

April 14, 2013
-Won gentleuterusone03, wearesneaky05, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won sailormars08, superchibimoon14, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won revival01, revival06, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won crescentbeam02, fakefortunes14, totherescue03, and 2 Starseeds from You're So Vain
-Won battleone11, makerstarone07, wakeup05, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won lostdream08, twinkleyell04, rabbits06, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won gameidolone04, sailormars13, starsoshiokiyo07, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won oddmeteor06, tiaraaction02, and tiaraaction05 from Lottery
-Won sailorjupiter13 and venuspower13 from War
-Won innerstrength05, makerstarone05, umbrella05, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won sabaospray03, thefalltwo02, totherescue15, crybabytwo08, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won daimonrain14, hyperpowerjet08, sopeningoneb02, and 2 Starseeds from Lucky Match
-Won gameidoltwo05, ladyluna05, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won infernoone09, nostalgia05, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won dearbrother05, homesick12, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won coolstranger10, eudial11, strangeaura08, and 1 Starseed from Wildcard
-Won escalation13, thereturn11, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 2 regular coupons and 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 3 Starseeds
-Took ladyluna14, ropeningtwob11, and sopeningoneb12 from April 6 update freebies
-Took 1 regular coupon from April 14 update freebie
-Weekly Collection: crescentbeam09
-Received venuspower07, venuspower09, venuspower12, sopeningonea14, venuscrystal06, ropeningtwoa12, smopeningtwob15, plutoplanet15, flamesniper12, captured04, rebirth13, deathbusters01, fatalists11, and 3 Sailor Wars points for leveling up from One to Two
-Received deadscream04, deadscream09, deadscream15, bitterbattle02, chibimoonprism03, copycat08, mooncrystal06, firesoul03, thereturn09, jupiterstar06, guardianoftime01, umbrella05, elegance02, and 3 Sailor Wars points for leveling up from Two to Three
-Received coolstranger11, coolstranger13, coolstranger15, thepurestheart12, captured09, jupitercrystal06, mooneternalone12, secretmeeting05, powerkiss15, wakeup13, timestop05, heaven05, firefly09, and 3 Sailor Wars points for leveling up from Three to Four
-Doubles exchange: turned in amazinglunch09, ansrage14, coolstranger14, copycat05/08/13, crisismakeup06, deadscream02/13, flamesniper12, hinorei15, homesick13, jealousy13, mizunoami14, plutoplanet15, resistance09, smopeningtwob15, thereturn09, tomoehotaru03, totherescue15, venuscrystal12, venuspower13, wearesneaky05/08, worldshaking11, and umbrella05 for reflection15, supersailormoon12, smalllady05, narusgrief11, neptuneplanet14, mizunoami11, copycat03, cursedcity06, elysioninperil07, mercurycrystal15, singtome05, aquamirage04, powerofflame05, escalation11, marspower14, defendinghonor01, timestop08, lostdream09, marscrystal10, mercurycrystal12, notsoevil09, morebadadvice14, staywithme06, starsoshiokiyo09, demonflower09, and holygrail12
-Received goldfishstall01, thepromise10, venuspower03, holygrail05, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Love Me Chain
-Recieved goldfishstall07, nevergiveup15, hyperpowerjet03, weddingparty01, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Cool Stranger
-Received goldfishstall11, spaceswordone04, tiaraaction06, secretlove12, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Copycat
-Received 100decks05, totherescue08, fighterstarone07, designer05, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Crescent Beam
-Received 100decks09, mercurystar02, sailormercury15, genius05, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Dead Scream
-Received 100decks14, seriouslasertwo15, smalllady06, elegance06, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Venus Power
-Received 100decks15, jupiterpower05, tsukinochibiusa04, daughter01, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Goldfish Stall
-Received beautyshock02, cyprineptilol11, mercurypower04, daughter01, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering 100 Decks
-Doubles exchange: turned in copycat03, seriouslasertwo15, smalllady05, tiaraaction06, venuspower03, daughter01, designer05, and genius05 for nevergiveup12, supremethunder05, secretkiss11, innocentheart14, plutoplanet02, princessroom05, original08, and renewaltwo12
-Turned in 8 regular coupons for beautyshock09/12/14/15 and plutoplanet01/03/07/08
-Received venuscrystal01, captured11, legendarysenshi08, holygrail14, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Beauty Shock
-Received venuscrystal04, tsukinousagi06, mysweetrose07, water02, and 1 Sailor Wars point for mastering Pluto Planet

April 7, 2013
-Weekly Collection: crescentbeam04

March 31, 2013
-Weekly Collection: crescentbeam03

March 30, 2013
-Won marsstar04, totherescue15, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won mercurycrystal06, thepromise12, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won singtome03, thepromise04, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won finalstage12, kaolinite07, supersailormoon08, and 2 Starseeds from You're So Vain
-Won mimete08, tomoehotaru03, tomoehotaru03, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won badadvice03, mysweetrose09, renewalthree13, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won hinorei12, homesick13, sleepflower15, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won mysteriousboy10 and nevergiveup06 from Lottery
-Won jealousy13, ropeningoneb11, rabbits08, and 1 Starseed from War
-Won christmas201207, deepsubmerge05, genius05, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won catattack03, eternalmoon12, innerstrength02, tenprincesses15, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won jupiterpower13, smalllady05, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won sailormars07, thepurestheart06, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won halation14, makerstartwo04, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won mercurycrystal08, thefallone09, truestarseed15, and 1 Starseed from Wildcard
-Won eternalmoon07, secretflight02, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 2 regular coupons and 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 3 Starseeds
-Took volleyballace02, ainominako13, eudial11, and renewalone14 from March 16 update freebies
-Took luna13, sailormercury02, and channelone01 from March 23 update freebies
-Took nevergiveup08, intospace13, and princessroom14 from March 30 update freebies

March 24, 2013
-Weekly Collection: lovemechain07

March 17, 2013
-Weekly Collection: lovemechain03

March 10, 2013
-Bought Collection power for 75 Starseeds
-Weekly Collection: lovemechain01

March 9, 2013
-Won hinorei05, reflection05, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won smopeningonea02, smopeningoneb02, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won oddmeteor13, sailormars03, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won lovemechain12, makerstarone12, nephritefalls14, and 2 Starseeds from You're So Vain
-Won fallenprincess02, gentleuterusone14, kaioumichiru15, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won mercurycrystal05, mercurypower01, idol04, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won fallenprincess03, ropeningonea07, twocrystals04, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won homesick13 and saturnplanet12 from Lottery
-Won innerstrength10 and thunderdragon03 from War
-Won catattack02 and powerofflame11 from Puzzle Series 1
-Won blackroses07 and crescentbeam15 from Puzzle Series 2
-Won deadscream02 and kissme02 from Puzzle Series 3
-Won silenced11 and strangeaura12 from Puzzle Series 4
-Won cookiecrisis13, neptuneplanet12, original01, rabbits03, 1 special coupon, and 5 Starseeds from Puzzle Series 5
-Took strangeaura06, zombieattack09, and sailorpluto15 from March 9 update freebies

March 8, 2013
-Won deepsubmerge10, resistance03, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won cookiecrisis02, moonprism07, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won amazinglunch09, nyankofalls03, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won meditation11, moonprism08, uranusplanet01, and 2 Starseeds from You're So Vain
-Won rebirth05, supremethunder05, worldshaking07, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won goldfishstall08, mercurycrystal10, fire05, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won coolstranger14, galaxiastrikes04, venuscrystal03, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won darkqueen11 and sailormoon07 from Lottery
-Won mercurycrystal04 from War
-Won mooncrisis03, vainsacrifice07, miko14, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won kinomakoto03, nostalgia07, thunderdragon01, circleofpower07, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won crowfalls03, smopeningtwob10, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won crowfalls01, heartache06, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won heartache03, wateryattack09, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won tiaraaction06, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Trained Ear
-Won toomanyrats08, tsukinousagi02, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 3 Starseeds
-Won sailorsaturn06, weddingparty10, and 2 Starseeds from Trivia
-Won mooncosmic06, venuscrystal12, wateryattack14, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Passing Notes
-Won nyankofalls12, thereturn15, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Orb
-Won healerstartwo13, proofofpurity08, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Mirror
-Won mysweetrose07, fatalists01, secretlove09 and 1 regular coupon from Which Talisman? - Sword
-Took guardianoftime15, thepromise09, and kissme10 from February 16 update freebies
-Took mysteriousboy06, tsukinousagi12, sailorjupiter10, and sailorvenus13 from February 23 update freebies
-Took battleone10 from February 28 update freebie
-Took ouridentities06, nostalgia02, and kinomakoto08 from March 2 update freebies

February 9, 2013
-Won bitterbattle10, powerstruggle04, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won jealousy13, supersailormoon15, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won christmas201205, deadscream13, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won ansrage13, eternalmoon09, pinksugar05, and 2 Starseeds from Odd One Out
-Won deepsubmerge10, mercurypower12, tsukinochibiusa04, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won chibimoonprism07, supremethunder07, darkkingdom07, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won marscrystal15, ropeningonea14, thereturn12, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won firesoulbird13 and toughgirl01 from War
-Won meditation07 and venusstar10 from Puzzle Series 1
-Won mizunoami14 and smopeningoneb07 from Puzzle Series 2
-Won crisismakeup13 and zerogravity03 from Puzzle Series 3
-Won hinorei15 and kissinthepark06 from Puzzle Series 4
-Won catattack01, flamesniper12, violinist06, weddingparty10, 1 special coupon, and 5 Starseeds from Puzzle Series 5
-Took narusgrief09, rmovieopening10, and tsukinochibiusa05 from February 9 update freebies

February 7, 2013
-Won sailorchibimoon02, zerogravity12, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won galaxiastrikes07, wateryattack02, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won fighterstartwo13, infernoone14, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won christmas201215, smopeningtwoa01, zerogravity07, and 2 Starseeds from Odd One Out
-Won darkqueen01, smopeningonea04, totherescue10, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won mooncrystal11, thunderdragon08, wood01, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won hinorei15, mizunoami14, smopeningonea07, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won crowfalls02, kaioumichiru07, and standup09 from Lottery
-Won deadscream12 from War
-Won crisismakeup12, totherescue02, faith04, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won infernoone12, jupitercrystal10, kaioumichiru04, time15, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won mooncrystal02, sailormars08, toughgirl07, and 2 Starseeds from Lucky Match
-Won copycat13, healerstarone07, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won mooneternalone04, supremethunder06, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won hinorei08, hyperpowerjet11, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won hyperpowerjet07, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Trained Ear
-Won bitterbattle15, sleepflower06, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 1 regular coupon and 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 2 Starseeds
-Won galaxiastrikes09, idol07, and 2 Starseeds from Trivia
-Won plutoplanet14, wateryattack10, wearesneaky08, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Passing Notes
-Won sailormars08, seriouslasertwo15, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Orb
-Won 100decks12, galaxiastrikes01, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Mirror
-Won powerstruggle06, love06, sailorcosmos12, and 1 regular coupon from Which Talisman? - Sword
-Took santasavior08, mizunoami03, hinorei11, sailormars02, and sailorcosmos02 from January 25 update freebies
-Took smreyecatch04, timestop03, and sailorchibimoon12 from February 2 update freebies

January 21, 2013
-Received tensoldiers03 and wearesneaky02 from Lost Cards

January 20, 2013
-Donated venusstar10 to Themed Collect January #1; received burningmandala06, sailorneptune07, and venuspower03
-Took dearbrother09, daimonrain02, hyperpowerjet13, kissinthepark09, sailorsaturn15, and deathbusters09 from January 19 update freebies
-Took grandopening05, finalblow02, sailorneptune01, and original02 from January 11 update freebies

January 19, 2013
-Won therapykisstwo05, tomoehotaru03, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won crisismakeup09, innocentheart09, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won firesoul02, thepurestheart05, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won heartache14, mooncrystal15, moonprism10, and 2 Starseeds from Odd One Out
-Won aquamirage13, mooncosmic14, wearesneaky08, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won deepsubmerge07, therapykissone05, crybabyone09, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won darkqueen08, fiercecrow10, tiaraaction08, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won mooncrisis04, sailormoon12, and sailorneptune11 from Lottery
-Won thepurestheart04 and thepurestheart09 from War
-Won daimonrain05, spaceswordone12, elegance02, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won resistance08, smopeningtwoa09, twinkleyell09, firefly14, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won galaxiastrikes12, widepressure01, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won mooncrystal08, rebirth06, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won crowfalls02, worldshaking11, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won aquaillusion07, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Trained Ear
-Won mercurypower11, venusstar10, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 5 Starseeds
-Won finalblow09 and jupiterpower01 from Puzzle Series 1
-Won deadscream11 and twinkleyell15 from Puzzle Series 2
-Won toughgirl02 and venuspower06 from Puzzle Series 3
-Won burningmandala01 and dearbrother04 from Puzzle Series 4
-Won goodenough06, kissinthepark15, love11, weddingparty14, 1 special coupon, and 5 Starseeds from Puzzle Series 5
-Won amazinglunch05, holygrail07, and 2 Starseeds from Trivia
-Won jealousy12, powerkiss13, resistance09, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Passing Notes
-Won innerstrength06, destiny12, racer05, and 1 regular coupon from Which Talisman? - Mirror
-Won mooneternalone14, thereturn02, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Orb
-Won powerofflame06, prejoin06, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Sword

January 1, 2013
-Received deadscream05/10 and venuspower08 from Lost Cards

December 31, 2012
-Bought Cooperation power for 50 Starseeds

December 30, 2012
-Won burningmandala02, rebirth13, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won powerkiss12, wallofrats07, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won amazinglunch15, crisismakeup06, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won deadscream14, maskedimpostor08, starsoshiokiyo13, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won fakefortunes12, revival06, ocean09, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won galaxiastrikes10, venuspower04, wallofrats12, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won coolstranger02 and goldfishstall13 from Lottery
-Won firesoulbird08 from War
-Won amazinglunch10, mooncosmic02, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won beautyshock10, chibimoonprism02, smopeningoneb11, ribbons01, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won firesoulbird03, kaioumichiru02, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won maskedimpostor09, mooncrisis02, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won legendarysenshi13, spaceswordtwo03, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won christmas201211, crisismakeup06, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 2 regular coupons and 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 5 Starseeds
-Won worldshaking03, darkkingdom12, winged13, and 1 regular coupon from Which Talisman? - Orb
-Won heartattack08, sleepflower11, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Mirror
-Won coolstranger04, marspower05, and 1 Starseed from Which Talisman? - Sword
-Took love11/12, totherescue08, rodappears04, goldfishstall02, and fatalists13 from December 15 update freebies
-Took sailormoon04, supersailormoon09, tomoehotaru13, smopeningtwoa02, smopeningtwob11, defendinghonor13, and designer14 from December 22 update freebies
-Took kaioumichiru05, amazinglunch09, wallofrats15, smopeningonea01, smopeningoneb01, and rabbits04 from December 29 update freebies

December 27, 2012
-Received resistance09, thunderdragon08, copycat09, zerogravity04, firesoul07, sleepflower01, wateryattack08, 5 Starseeds, and 3 Sailor Wars points for donating a set of level badges

December 21, 2012
-Won powerofflame02, reflection12, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won ansrage09, jupiterstar04, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won lostdream02, thunderdragon02, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won jupiterpower01, mooneternalone06, sabaospray05, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won beautyshock01, spaceswordone06, faith08, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won meditation15, mooneternalone07, pinksugar11, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won mooncrystal06 and thereturn04 from Lottery
-Won healerstarone11 from War
-Won prejoin11, venuscrystal11, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won marscrystal14, prejoin02, uranusplanet09, genius02, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won innocentheart08, rodappears09, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won mooncrisis10, neptuneplanet06, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won copycat06, spaceswordtwo15, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won toughgirl12, twinkleyell13, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Won 2 regular coupons and 1 Starseed from Starseed Slots; bet 5 Starseeds
-Won moonprism11 and worldshaking11 from Puzzle Series 1
-Won aquarhapsody10 and rodappears02 from Puzzle Series 2
-Won heartattack09 and powerkiss09 from Puzzle Series 3
-Won deepsubmerge03 and powerofflame11 from Puzzle Series 4
-Won jupiterstar15, sabaospray11, holygrail09, wood08, 1 special coupon, and 5 Starseeds from Puzzle Series 5
-Won jealousy14, faith02, and 2 Starseeds from Trivia
-Won infernoone03, meditation02, revival08, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Passing Notes
-Won jupiterpower14, rosepetals07, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Sequence
-Took proofofpurity07, coolstranger08, and 100decks03 from December 8 update freebies

December 2, 2012
-Won crisismakeup10, uranusplanet15, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Puzzle
-Won halation14, jealousy09, and 1 Starseed from Mega Memory
-Won aquaillusion02, escalation12, and 1 Starseed from Hangman
-Won healerstarone04, sabaospray15, venusstar13, and 2 Starseeds from Warped
-Won fighterstartwo08, firesoul05, heaven01, and 2 Starseeds from Lost and Found
-Won crescentbeam11, infernotwo13, reflection04, and 2 Starseeds from Episode Guess
-Won supremethunder14, therapykissone13, and thereturn09 from Lottery
-Won deadscream01 from War
-Won fighterstarone08, marscrystal03, 1 special coupon, and 1 Starseed from Jigsaw
-Won firesoulbird15, neptuneplanet14, spaceswordone07, earth07, and 1 Starseed from Freebies
-Won prejoin15, seriouslasertwo06, and 1 Starseed from Lost Letters
-Won fighterstarone13, pinksugar15, and 2 Starseeds from Relationships
-Won firesoul06, twinkleyell03, 1 regular coupon, and 2 Starseeds from Mystery Beast
-Won crisismakeup10, worldshaking15, and 1 Starseed from Zoom
-Took toughgirl06, ansrage15, and fire05 from December 1 update freebies
-Joined! Received lovemechain05/10/15, saturnplanet04, neptuneplanet15, fighterstartwo05, jupiterstar08, therapykisstwo11, makerstartwo03, plutoplanet05, fighterstartwo02, fighterstarone02, marsstar09, crisismakeup01, jupiterpower02, mercurystar03, venuspower15, halation04, time06, heaven05, and sunsetbeach10 in starter pack

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Courtesy of: DayDreamGraphics
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