Designed By Chris L. May 2007
trade log
trading academy

March 19, 2009
-Won chopin19, exorcist08, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won twin14 and bloodyrose05 from Memory
-Won idol10/12 and 1 C art grade from Video Club
-Won pink12, mascots10, and 1 B English grade from Old Library Books
-Won sinnoh20, mechanical15, and 1 B history grade from Famous Artist
-Won esthar08, bracelet10, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won lemures01, zaibatsu02, and and 1 C English grade from Card Scramble
-Won twins16, farm05, and 1 B science grade from Screen Confusion
-Took dawn13, pirates20, and genesis11 from update freebie

March 16, 2009
-Traded Laura my delilah08 and izayoiki04/09/10/16 for darkness01, district02, journey02, seishun07, and style18

March 13, 2009
-Won kitty04, clan02, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won limit16 and wings05 from Memory
-Won taiyou11, seasons04, and 1 C history grade from Video Club
-Won krusnik16, platinum10, and 1 C history grade from Voice Talent
-Won dats20, terresia05, and 1 B art grade from Old Library Books
-Won magdalene06, darc12, and 1 B English grade from Famous Artist
-Won lovesong15, spirits19, and 1 C English grade from Which Color
-Won wings09, bbcompany09, and 1 C science grade from Card Scramble
-Won loveme09, embryo18, and 1 C history grade from Comedy Section
-Won gaea03 and 1 C English grade from Lucky Match
-Won elibe18, judges18, and 1 B English grade from Screen Confusion
-Won wind13, delivery17, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won embryo16, mystery15, 1 B art grade, and 1 member card from Mystery ISBN
-Won will01, britannia11, and 1 B English grade from Rejected Titles

March 11, 2009
-Traded Windy my assassin11 and shuri14 for matsuri09 and sand10

March 7, 2009
-Traded Kartoffel my witch05/08 and member card for cresta16, kanto15, and member card

March 5, 2009
-Traded Ecks my checkmate08/18, exorcist13/15, hollow12, jewel09/16, july14, nandemo09, rain10, whiteflower14/20, zodiac09/17, and maoh05/20 for krusnik08, crossfire08/15/16, flamehaze03, lemures08, approach13/20, chopin07, darkness14/17, district01, dual07, journey13, santa06, and strawberry14

March 4, 2009
-Traded Laura my dogs09 and kusabi05/07/08 for auracite15, crossfire01, lemures18, and sand12

February 28, 2009
-Traded Kaz my cremia03/08, tellius18, and treat01 for krusnik13, approach11/16, and schoolgirls10
-Traded Arisa my ponograph08 for chopin09

February 25, 2009
-Traded Kartoffel my feather03/14 and riders19 for kanto18, sand14, and trauma09

February 21, 2009
-Traded Kartoffel my dragon04/12 and riders01 for cresta06, chopin08, and society03

February 14, 2009
-Traded Kaz my nights05 and oath13 for twin10/11

February 11, 2009
-Traded Laura my lotis20 and ribbon12 for crossfire04 and krusnik03

February 7, 2009
-Traded Kaz my razenshia02/16 and shadow13 for matsuri10/13 and twin13
-Traded Ryan my retribution19 for krusnik15

February 6, 2009
-Traded Suidorime my razenshia04/13, terresia02, and style13 for matsuri05, twin10, and krusnik10/13

February 5, 2009
-Traded Kartoffel my retribution07/12/20 and football09 for trauma04, gramarye14, chopin02, and reyvateil12

February 3, 2009
-Traded Miku my surgeon04/18 for needless04 and santa18

February 1, 2009
-Traded Ice Archeress my bitbeasts09, melody07, noir04, symphony20, voice03/10/11, digidestined03, kurogane11, babysitter02/07/09, dark14, blade11, and oniichan11 for crossfire20, edo12, seishun10, auracite18, dual05, journey01/06, magdalene05, santa05, strawberry07/11, cicada02, zaibatsu11, chii11, and heaven17
-Traded Laura my stolen10/11 for flamehaze08 and heaven15

January 25, 2009
-Traded Laura my zodiac06 for lemures19

January 24, 2009
-Received tasukete02/05/08/09/12/15/17, metatag06/08/10/12/13/15/18/20, nostalgia02/06/09/10/11/13/15/20, minerva03/04/09/10/11/12/16/17, nobodies01/03/06/07/09/13/14/20, evolution01/02/05/06/12/14/15/16/18, twin03/05/06/08, arkscepter12/14, angel09, riddle09, scales01, kfight20, seasons12, alice12, emblem12, curse03, demoneyes20, ballistics11, promise17, darc01, hotline09, whiteflower14, blood05, natural03, chronos12, malice06, mana07, nomoney15, scholar13, race13, sand19, shutter19, nostalgia12, britannia07, love19, seasons12, assassin11, homunculus13, chaotic08, gramarye05, crimson10, mana15, shikon19, medium15, schoolgirls20, arms10, voice11, riders19, angelframe11, plaga14, promise18, genos13, levitation05, swordian18, kingdoms03, jupiter15, villainsg17, and nyanko01 for mastering Alter, Brother, Chaotic, Clow, Emperium, Empress, Fresco, Hamham, Heal, Hopeless, Iris, Mamono, Parody, Shougi, Attorney, Black Pearl, Books, Forest, Lullaby, Objection, Tasukete, Metatag, Nostalgia, Minerva, Nobodies, and Evolution

January 23, 2009
-Won white10, dhampir06, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won spirits15 and chiropteran20 from Memory
-Won magicalgirls05, auracite08, and 1 C science grade from Video Club
-Won halo10, persocom06, and 1 C science grade from Voice Talent
-Won dual01, treat01, and 1 B science grade from Old Library Books
-Won voice10, sylvarant09, and 1 B science grade from Famous Artist
-Won heart03, eres12, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won seed01, alter19, and 1 C history grade from Card Scramble
-Won kurukuru03, falena05, and 1 C science grade from Comedy Section
-Won brawl16 and 1 C English grade from Lucky Match
-Won malice06, etoile09, and matsuri01 from Slots
-Won triumph20, football15, and 2 extra credit from War
-Won cremia03, arkscepter11, and 1 B science grade from Screen Confusion
-Won santa09, seishun13, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won witch08, trauma07, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Won brother10, britannia05, and 1 B science grade from Rejected Titles
-Took lemures07, crossfire10, and odessa15 from update freebies
-Grades Exchange: hamham02/06/07/08/10/13/18/20, clow03/07/08/09/12/17/19/20, emperium01/07/12/13/15/18/19/20, alter02/06/17/18, brother01/02/07/11/12/18, attorney07/08/12/13/15/20, empress02/06/11/14/16/17/20, parody09/16/20, shougi07/09/10, lullaby01/02/04/06/10/13/14/17/19, hopeless06/12/13/14, mamono01/09/15/16, fresco02/04/06/08/11/13/14/19, books02/04/08/11/13/14/19, iris01/05/08/09, blackpearl01/02/08/13/17/19, forest03/05/11/14/17/20, heal06/07/08/12/14/16/18, chaotic03/06/09/13/14/15/16/19, magicalgirls13, geostigma08, hawk15, valmar04, nishimata16, covenant02, devil13, empire02, scrapyard12, kyou18, shinsengumi01, beastman07, brush01, noir15, gramarye12, ghost07, imperial14, culinary03, class19, witch17, rondo17, adonis04, shuri14, family03, ballistics14, tartarus15, dogs09, babysitter19, designer07, colony13, meister20, mask08, tenkai18, coach01, troupe03, krusnik01, demon01, melody07, odessa11, razenshia04, teargem08, newgen15, navi01, society20, maoh20, dscanner04, district19, cross13, kusabi13, child16, platinum12, royale12, judgment11, rosary10, oniichan01, style13, hunters16, race01, winter02, stranger06, master09, coordinator19, esper05/07, avalonia19, schoolgirls16/17, delilah08, blade10, sand02, nocturne17, labyrinth12, toy03, pink13, snowfall19, friends07, promise12, whiteflower20, kurukuru10, movies03, princesses04, digidestined03, and curse05 for 10 art A, 14 art B, 4 art C, 7 English A, 16 English B, 6 English C, 5 history A, 10 history B, 6 history C, 8 music A, 15 music B, 9 music C, 15 science A, 16 science B, and 13 science C

January 22, 2009
-Traded Lucathia my blade02/05, voice01, and snowfall02 for brother03, fresco17, seishun19, and society12

January 17, 2009
-Staff pay: eden12, razenshia02, abuse13, chiropteran13, gaea08, fortuna02, 1 A science, 1 C music, and 1 extra credit
-Traded Kaz my etria07, melody09, netherworld10, shibuya20, and green20 for parody17, objection10, kanto11, approach03, and schoolgirls07
-Traded Elvy my chicago13 for district09

January 15, 2008
-Won daybreak02, genpei19, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won shibuya20 and butler15 from Memory
-Won sinnoh02, exorcist15, and 1 C science grade from Video Club
-Won green03, ballet15, and 1 C English grade from Voice Talent
-Won villainsg12, dscanner02, and 1 B science grade from Old Library Books
-Won retribution07, iroha19, and 1 C English grade from Which Color
-Won west05, chicago18, and 1 C history grade from Card Scramble
-Won sakabatou09, symphony20, and 1 C art grade from Comedy Section
-Won practice07 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won heal03, immortal20, and shipwreck16 from Slots
-Won lotis06 and dark14 from War
-Won retribution02, gamers04, and 1 B English grade from Screen Confusion
-Won master11 and clan18 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won shambala03 and reborn15 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won vampiresm04 and seishun09 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won clow10 and flamehaze07 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won runemidgard15 and tamago19 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won twilight08, princesses09, swordian13, 2 extra credits, and 1 special grade from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Took chopin14, magdalene14, and darkness12 from update freebies
-Doubles Exchange: my across20, avalonia06, balance14, ballet15, brigade14, calamity01/03, celestial19, coralian01, cresta15, crusades16, curse14, eden05, heal03, illegal05, interhigh09, ito16, judgment16, karekano18, kendo18, kingdoms02, kurogane10, labyrinth03, minimech02, newgen07, oath08, ohtori02, parody05/12, poison05, practice12, ranger16, reploid05, rosary02, scissorman14, section909, senshi03, shipwreck16, shudelmir14, sin10, slave15, starcrossed06, stranger06, umn08, and valmar10 for oscar06, sylvarant12, dreams15, aries08, falena16, ranger09, noname09, nomoney03, tattoo20, scramble10, heroes14, mana19, teargem18, immortal15, myths18, clan01, contractor17, seasons06, sinnoh12, fuyuki09, paris17/20, esthar02, green20, riskbreaker02/05, royale20, lucius07, stage03, white13, chopin06, reploid16, leash12, assassin09, minerva01, epitaph04, chiyoumen10, attorney10, twilight01, coralian19, imperial08, stolen11, minvera13, camera18, and west19

January 12, 2009
-Traded Ecks my club15, digidestined12, and member card for fresco20, hamham17, and member card
-Traded Kenta my lovesong14 and member card for clow18 and member card

January 10, 2009
-Staff pay: digivolve16, eden05, mystery06, epitaph17, assassin05, snowfall02, 1 B English, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

January 5, 2009
-Traded Laura my drops10/11 for strawberry18 and gramarye18
-Traded Ryan my alice06/09, flamehaze12, model13, blackmail14, hollow10, and member card for edo13, auracite17, zaibatsu04, heaven05, tasukete06, district03, and member card
-Traded Suidorime my etoile17, kimlasca05/10/13, mint02/10, and overlord06/13 for alter15, hopeless10, objection19, fresco07, seishun16, shougi11, chaotic18, and clow15
-Traded Elvy my ribbon07/08/17/19, shikon02/04/20, and expel05 for iris02/10, gramarye16/17, strawberry12, medium13, trauma05, and wind10

January 3, 2009
-Staff pay: scissorman14, sinnoh15, youma15, balance14, netherworld10, covenant09, 1 B science, 1 A music, and 1 extra credit

December 27, 2008
-Won heaven18, japan11, 1 B art grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won white01 and covenant18 from Memory
-Won white17, loveme19, and 1 C science grade from Video Club
-Won lovesong13, host11, 1 B art grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won song12, overlord13, and 1 B science grade from Old Library Books
-Won mint13, witch05, and 1 B English grade from Famous Artist
-Won model13, youma19, and 1 C music grade from Which Color
-Won akuma04, kitty01, and 1 C science grade from Card Scramble
-Won metatag19, fate16, and 1 C English grade from Comedy Section
-Won celestial04, sin10, and 1 B English grade from Lucky Match
-Won exorcist13 and lullaby15 from War
-Won daybreak18, pherae10, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Staff pay: poison05, schoolgirls04, eidolon09, dscanner09, jusenkyo01, strawberry20, 1 B art grade, 1 C art grade, and 1 extra credit
-Traded Laura my dark15 for strawberry16

December 26, 2008
-Won chaotic07, debt04, practice17, and 1 B English grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Dasher)
-Won fraulein10, riders01, riddle09, and 1 B art grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Dancer)
-Won beginning08, parody05, angelframe15, and 1 B art grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Prancer)
-Won concerto19, terresia02, lucifer17, and 1 B science grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Vixen)
-Won magicalgirls15, chaos13, peach16, and 1 B English grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Comet)
-Won rose17, jusenkyo14, umn08, and 1 B music grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Cupid)
-Won illegal04, silmeria08, psypher04, and 1 B history grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Donner)
-Won arolandia12, novel03, genbu02, and 1 B history grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Blitzen)
-Won welcomeback17, pinky17, pherae18, and 1 science grade from Santa's Lost Reindeer (Rudolph)
-Won retribution12, verbena11, across20, ito16, twins19, vampiresm15, 1 B history grade, 1 A science grade, and 1 extra credit from Santa's Lost Reindeer (All 9)

December 24, 2008
-Took mamono13, cresta15, 1 A science grade, 1 B English grade, and 1 C music grade from Advent Calendar

December 23, 2008
-Traded Laura my momo08/16 for mamono06 and journey12
-Traded Elvy my traveler08/13 for district15 and medium06

December 20, 2008
-Staff pay: karekano18, toy20, crossover15, july14, valmar10, curse14, 1 B English grade, 1 A art grade, and 1 extra credit

December 19, 2008
-Took sinnoh05, judgment16, and 1 B science grade from Advent Calendar

December 18, 2008
-Took kurukuru01, pherae16, and 1 B history grade from Advent Calendar

December 17, 2008
-Took hawk14, esper05, and 1 B art grade from Advent Calendar

December 16, 2008
-Took chimera07, magicalgirls09, and 1 C science grade from Advent Calendar

December 15, 2008
-Took nyanko06, retribution20, and 1 C history grade from Advent Calendar

December 14, 2008
-Took babysitter04, verbena06, and 1 C English grade from Advent Calendar

December 13, 2008
-Took interhigh09, demon01, and teargem15 from Advent Calendar
-Staff pay: rain10, reploid05, busters13, society06, dragon04, starcrossed06, 1 B history grade, 1 C science grade, and 1 extra credit

December 12, 2008
-Took laws17, ohtori02, and auracite14 from Advent Calendar

December 11, 2008
-Took zodiac09, novel13, and labyrinth14 from Advent Calendar

December 10, 2008
-Traded Elvy my magi11/17/19 for shougi19, emperium16, and lovesong04
-Took gaea20 and 1 A English grade from Advent Calendar

December 9, 2008
-Took coralian01 and clow01 from Advent Calendar

December 8, 2008
-Took geostigma02 and 1 A science grade from Advent Calendar

December 7, 2008
-Took eidolon18 and 1 B English grade from Advent Calendar

December 6, 2008
-Took momo14, jigoku04, brush01, and auracite12 from Advent Calendar
-Staff pay: jewel16, mask03, despair04, shudelmir14, runemidgard18, practice14, 2 B art grades, and 1 extra credit

December 5, 2008
-Traded Laura my shutter16/18 and member card for heal11, district07, and member card
-Traded Janai my school01/06, shinsengumi08, and zodiac06 for parody07, shougi01, and cresta01/17
-Took nights05 and 1 B English grade from Advent Calendar

December 4, 2008
-Traded Kaz my brush16, melody02, symphony02, and couplesm04 for parody12, mamono11, shougi20, and schoolgirls15
-Traded Elvy my wishes03/09/12/20 for calamity01, brother19, society08, and medium08
-Took newgen07 and tartarus09 from Advent Calendar

December 3, 2008
-Took demon07 and 1 C science grade from Advent Calendar

December 2, 2008
-Won britannia08, jewel09, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won villainsg09 and contractor04 from Memory
-Won society04, halloween03, and 1 C history grade from Video Club
-Won shutter16, angelframe07, and 1 C music grade from Voice Talent
-Won nightclass10, chicago13, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won krusnik09, emperium04, and 1 B history grade from Old Library Books
-Won books09, parody12, and 1 B history grade from Famous Artist
-Won hopeless09, balance14, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won magvel07, himuro20, and 1 C history grade from Card Scramble
-Won orochi17, limit03, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won bitbeasts08, demon14, and black17 from Slots
-Won astral16, millennium17, and 1 A art grade from Music Lesson
-Won hollow10, club15, and 1 B science grade from Screen Confusion
-Won etoile16, alice03, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Took football09 and tournament15 from Advent Calendar
-Took district06, shadow13, lovesong14, covenant06, and photograph11 from update freebies

December 1, 2008
-Took friends14 and 1 C music grade from Advent Calendar

November 30, 2008
-Traded Windy my twili11, twilight10, newgen03/05/13/19, leafe09, limit01, tachibana15, assassin08, badluck19, midnight07/10/15, peach03, rakuen01/10/12, silmeria14, whiteflower04/09, esthar20, maoh18, and resistance03 for alter01/13, hamham19, iris07, shougi05, empress08, mamono05, attorney09, forest06, chii14, evolution04, oath20, sand01/05/09, clow11, emperium14, matsuri17, chaotic12/17, style04, bracelet04, lap09, and medium17

November 29, 2008
-Staff pay: iris13, illegal05, melody09, colony11, kendo18, peacock01, 1 A history, 1 C music, and 1 extra credit

November 28, 2008
-Traded Ryan my dalmasca17 for seishun17

November 27, 2008
-Traded Barbar my nerv12, seasons09, 10000cards14, babo19, brawl12, comic10/15, cremia04, dreams15/16, hollow03, hourglass17, jewel08, jusenkyo02, mana02/05/17, myths11/20, overlord08/14, prettycure05/15, riddle13/18, shinra07, sinnoh04, taiyou02, tartarus06/18, wishes01/07, and emblem09 for apostle11, approach19, blackpearl03/12, books06/12, brother04, chaotic08, clow06, daybreak06, emperium09/10/17, empress13, fresco18, heal13, heaven09, krusnik04, lullaby09/16, mamono19, metatag03/04/14, nostalgia18, oath12, persona07, platinum17, style08, tasukete03/04, twin07, and couplesm17

November 26, 2008
-Traded Laura my guitar03/07/08 for apostle02, chaotic10, and lap10
-Traded Kirisame my desire13, commotion09, illegal08, kimlasca14/16, nerv18, ocarina08, pendragon17, scales13/16, sylvarant09/20, tenkai09, witch07, zodiac02, and member card for hopeless15/18, parody11/13, iris03, shougi16, empress18, mamono02, attorney17, forest04/08/16, evolution03/19, otaku08, and member card
-Traded Elvy my ballistics09/19 and imperial05/14 for edo18, lap15, krusnik20, and strawberry03

November 25, 2008
-Traded Aurus my memories02/07 and member card for wind06, apostle04, and member card
-Traded Zephyr my blackmail03/06/13/20, fate02, kirsche02/03/05/08/10, and member card for attorney19, cicada05, medium07, society05, wind01, apostle07, heal03, journey16, krusnik05, minvera05, and member card

November 24, 2008
-Traded Teme my jigoku07/13 for alter16 and chaotic04
-Traded Enge my chiropteran17 and member card for edo17 and member card
-Traded Jenphi my space20, donut16, host09/16, jusenkyo04/12/15/20, lenneth05/14/20, purify01/04/09/11, and trois20 for alter20, approach07, bracelet14, cicada17, heaven01, krusnik17/19, lullaby08, seishun12, society14, strawberry06/15, style05, twin19, and zaibatsu13/14

November 23, 2008
-Traded Graverunner my ace01/18 and football05/18/20 for future09, sacred03, edo02, seishun14, and wind05
-Received beloved04/06/07/11/20, bell01/02/04/08/17/18, deus01/07/09/13/18/19, umn03/04/06/08/11/13/18, winter03/07/09/12/14/15/17, objection01/02/03/04/08, rosary02, blue01, white15, west02, fate11, welcomeback09, diplomat03, oath08, journey14, leafe09, iroha17, chronos15, dhamphir20, blade11, couplesm11, expel10/18, priestess14, millennion19, whiteflower04, revenge10, senshi03, embryon07, babysitter14, movies01, akuma17, zodiac06, brigade14, avalonia10, empire08, minimech02, hollow03, stranger06, ocarina08, calamity03, and twili11 for mastering Stranger, Abuse, Ballet, Calamity, Child, Fanatica, Kurenai, Rondo, Starcrossed, Heartless, Thief, Treasure, Trigger, Beloved, Bell, Deus, UMN, and Winter
-Traded Laura my blossom02/08 for edo03/16

November 22, 2008
-Grades Exchange: fanatica09/18/20, calamity08/13/14/16, heartless03/05/07/17, rondo07/09/17/18, starcrossed02/06/12/13/20, ballet03/08/16, trigger01/05/17, thief01/07/09/16, treasure02/07/13/14/20, child04/05/08/09/12/19, kurenai08/10/13, abuse02/06/14/15/16, cresta15, trois20, millennion01, hotline06, neoarcadia17, justice10, ponograph08, geostigma14, scrapyard09, seed08, commotion05, guitar03, song16, epitaph14, fate02, rakuen05, butterflies19, kendo15, revenge19, amnesia09, practice12, 10000cards18, stolen10, brawl11, dalmasca17, momo16, ballistics19, fortuna15, oscar18, toudou10, lullaby07, shougi02/03, approach02, drifter04, leyline15, slave15, minimech02, magi17, kurogane10, parody05, auracite03, judges19, colony04, arms08, celestial19, traveler13, destiny01, twilight10, dscanner19, hoshigami10, kusabi08, nergal12, crimson04, mana17, prettycure05, dark15, scales16, genbu10, section909, heal02, space20, eitoku07, chii19, labyrinth03, avalonia06, artist08, embryon15, bastille16, and winter11 for 11 art B, 9 English B, 10 history B, 11 music B, 8 science B, 14 art C, 15 English C, 16 history C, 13 music C, and 12 science C
-Won razenshia13, host16, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won halloween13 and commotion09 from Memory
-Won wind09, brawl12, and 1 C English grade from Video Club
-Won black20, license19, and 1 C science grade from Voice Talent
-Won craymel17, retribution19, and 1 B English grade from Old Library Books
-Won silmeria14, daein08, and 1 B science grade from Famous Artist
-Won nergal07, treat18, and 1 C music grade from Which Color
-Won song14, style20, and 1 C science grade from Card Scramble
-Won reborn12, clan06, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won ranger16 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won eitoku03, sand07, and crusades16 from Slots
-Won angel02, twins13, and 2 extra credit from War
-Won mint02, embryon04, and 1 B science grade from Screen Confusion
-Won lap08, bastille15, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Won dual18 and traveler08 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won matsuri15 and twin11 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won pink12/17 !! from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won coralian05 and astral14 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won beginning19 and shinigami16 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won friends19, 10000cards10, emperium06, 2 extra credit, and 1 special grade from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Took edo07, seishun06, and shutter18 from update freebies
-Staff pay: ballistics09, butterflies12/13, demon20, tartarus04, kingdoms02, 1 C art, 1 C music, and 1 extra credit

November 21, 2008
-Doubles Exchange: my across11, apostle06, aurora11, bouken20, circus09, crusades01, demoneyes10, demoneyes10, drops13, ecure19, fanatica12, flash09, forest15, freckles14/18, fresco15, gnosis19, kira16, kirsche12, movies04, parody08, shuri19, sin15, thief06, and tiara08 for laws07, gullwings06, club17, etria07, gamers17, devil20, etoile17, reborn09, aries16, kimlasca16, comic12, blade02, fireball10, ribbon07, finder17, white10, jigoku07, symphonia14, illegal08, friends09, elicoor03, empress03, coralian16, thanatos16, and hachiyou16
-Doubles Exchange: my comic12, empress03, fireball10, and gullwings06 for brush13, babysitter09, reploid05, and flamehaze12
-Doubles Exchange: my flamehaze12 for amanto04
-Doubles Exchange: my amanto04 for gnosis09
-Doubles Exchange: my gnosis09 for izayoiki10
-Doubles Exchange: my izayoiki10 for revenge12

November 19, 2008
-Traded Kaz my debt03, dogs11, etoile10, etria15, and tournament11 for abuse04, brother08/20, hamham12, and iris20
-Traded Elvy my peacock17 and ballistics11 for kanto20 and alter08

November 18, 2008
-Traded Laura my destiny02 for parody06
-Traded Ice Archeress my colony10, ghost19, kitty18, millennium03/07, and natural01/04 for empress03, iris17, kanto01/06, chaotic05, daybreak05, and blackpearl10

November 16, 2008
-Won kimlasca14, momo16, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won eitoku18 and bastille03 from Memory
-Won destiny15, clan02, and 1 C English grade from Video Club
-Won clan20, beastman17, and 1 C science grade from Voice Talent
-Won platinum11, dogs11, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won magi11, esper16, and 1 B art grade from Old Library Books
-Won concerto20, princesses16, and 1 B science grade from Famous Artist
-Won despair11, mint10, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won badluck09, overlord14, 1 C art grade from Card Scramble
-Won swordian20, emblem09, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won mamono14, shikon20, and 1 B history grade from Lucky Match
-Won kitty07, shugosei18, and practice04 from Slots
-Won betrayal15, awakening12, and 1 A history grade from Music Lesson
-Took trick08/12/19 from Trick or Treat main page
-Won trick06 and red12 from Trick or Treat (page 1)
-Won trick10 and nocturne08 from Trick or Treat (page 2)
-Won treat20 and shinsengumi08 from Trick or Treat (page 3)
-Won treat01 and fresco03 from Trick or Treat (page 4)
-Won trick05 and krusnik02 from Trick or Treat (page 5)
-Won trick15, brush16, and bracelet03 from Trick or Treat (page 6)
-Won treat13 and iroha16 from Trick or Treat (page 7)
-Won treat12 and millennium03 from Trick or Treat (page 8)
-Took bitbeasts09, scissorman14, and elibe07 from update freebies
-Took paradox03, etria15, and wind19 from update freebies

September 23, 2008
-Traded Windy my hourglass19 and windwaker09 for brother13 and child14

September 20, 2008
-Took magvel12, betrayal08, edge18, swordian08, and dogs05 from update freebies

September 19, 2008
-Won betrayal13, fanatica16, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won riskbreaker08 and metatag09 from Memory
-Won tasukete13, strahl14, and 1 C art grade from Video Club
-Won swordian02, apostle06, and 1 C art grade from Voice Talent
-Won dscanner05, dalmasca16, and 1 B English grade from Old Library Books
-Won krusnik07, books18, and 1 B English grade from Famous Artist
-Won toy01, princesses11, and 1 C English grade from Which Color
-Won dhampir04, kitty18, and 1 C art grade from Card Scramble
-Won resistance03, fresco12, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won hourglass16, oscar04, and forest15 from Slots
-Won artist14, nishimata04, and 1 A art grade from Music Lesson
-Won ace01, darc16, and 1 B history grade from Screen Confusion
-Won host09, club05, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile

September 17, 2008
-Traded Jenphi my guardian17, innocent04/11/13, labyrinth07/10/11/17, shugosei01/03/07/14, empress09, concerto07, eclipse10/13/15/16, heroes01/09/11/16/19, and silmeria01/06/07/11/12/17/19 for chaotic20, daybreak08, emperium02, evolution11, starcrossed01, society10, shougi15, iris11/18, brother09/15, across11, avalonia06, babo19, babylon01, bouken20, dscanner10, embryon06, fanatica12, genos05, justice18, makeup03, movies04/12, rakuen01, shuri19, soul19, spring10, and trainwreck07/19

September 16, 2008
-Traded Suidorime my pherae19, psypher13, sylvarant01, and billion19 for brother14, fresco15, iris15, and shougi18

September 15, 2008
-Traded Azurei my demoneyes04/19, commotion05/08/09, dark06, exorcist07, gaea03/05/06/11, mythril12/19, twilight12, villainsg04, and member card for apostle06, blackpearl11, dhampir15, fresco15, kanto17, lap16, mamono18, minvera14, persona10, shougi08/13, trauma14, twin02/09, schoolgirls05, and member card

September 13, 2008
-Traded Ermazing my vampire02/03/08/09/17 for bell13, hamham11, sand11, cresta04, and kurenai11
-Traded Yulah my ito14, eitoku02/20, leash11, tenkai19, vampiresm09, villainsg05, and member card for abuse07, shougi06/17, otaku04, style01, magicalgirls08, red13, and member card

September 12, 2008
-Won auracite13, host07, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won wishes07 and cicada12 from Memory
-Won guitar20, nishimata08, and 1 C history grade from Video Club
-Won tellius03, gaea11, and 1 C art grade from Voice Talent
-Won labyrinth06, genbu19, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won society15, hourglass19, and 1 B history grade from Old Library Books
-Won etoile10, minerva07, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won cremia04, nishimata10, and 1 C history grade from Card Scramble
-Won finder09, designer01, and balance05 from Slots
-Won runemidgard08, iris04, and 1 A English grade from Music Lesson
-Won pinky08, busters12, and 1 B science grade from Screen Confusion
-Won parody18, halloween20, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Traded Janai my beginning05/06, pendragon11, colony13, host07/19, passion13, spirits03, tattoo06/07, twins05/08, and member card for auracite10, cicada14, cresta14, emperium08, lap03, nostalgia03/19, shougi12, strawberry02, zaibatsu19, schoolgirls08/14, and member card

September 6, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my kurogane03, melody12, and nightclass07/09 for empress07, fresco05, mamono20, and alter12

September 5, 2008
-Won nightclass07, eldeen20, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won taiyou04 and butterflies05 from Memory
-Won lenneth12, nocturne07, and 1 C history grade from Video Club
-Won newgen19, mitochondria02, and 1 C English grade from Voice Talent
-Won celestial19, ballistics11, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won tartarus06, curse20, and 1 B science grade from Old Library Books
-Won embryon09, psypher13, and 1 C English grade from Which Color
-Won hourglass17, oath11, and 1 C science grade from Card Scramble
-Won twins08, digidestined03, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won bouken18, crusades01, and demoneyes10 from Slots
-Won toy13, artist05, and 1 A art grade from Music Lesson
-Won feather14, platinum04, and 1 B music grade from Screen Confusion
-Won villainsg05 (lol appropriate), melody12, 1 B art grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Took black18, princesses03, 10000cards06/14/20, and 3 special coupons from update freebies
-Took pherae19, cresta18, cicada11, sakabatou11, and society07 from update freebies

August 30, 2008
-Took fresco10, magicalgirls12, designer14, guitar07, kanto03, master06, freckles18, myths20, heroes09, newgen05, harem02, finder19, halo10, oniichan03, and 7 extra credit for game donations

August 26, 2008
-Traded Queen Luna my seed02/03/07/08/10/14/16 and member card for emperium03, fresco09, hopeless02, lap05, shougi04, style13/17, and member card

August 24, 2008
-Traded FafnirH my club16, revenge13, traveler09/10/12/15/16/17, tenipuri06/17, chiropteran15/16, halloween18, and digivolve10 for bell11/20, beloved03/14, calamity07, parody14, tasukete20, approach09/17, clow14, chaotic11, emperium05, persona11, and matsuri12
-Traded Chikky my villainsg18, cremia19, memories09/12/14, ocarina04, pinky03, windwaker02, adlibitum07/12, stage14, and tellius02/11 for magicalgirls19, ballet15, fanatica19, kurenai02, thief18, calamity15, heartless02/15, treasure10/19, abuse18, and child10/20

August 23, 2008
-Traded Jenphi my crimson01/08/17, wishes10/12/16/18, soul08/17, shinra01, kitty06/14/20, green05, and member card for daybreak13, evolution13, oath04, persona03/04, style15, adena12, armors20, checkmate08/18, kirsche03/08, pinky07, welcomeback10, and member card

August 22, 2008
-Won momo08, frozen15, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won whiteflower09 and witch07 from Memory
-Won traveler15, shugosei07, and 1 C art grade from Video Club
-Won memories09, debt03, and 1 C art grade from Voice Talent
-Won metatag11, psypher14, and 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won limit01, expel05, and 1 B music grade from Old Library Books
-Won traveler09, tattoo07, and 1 B science grade from Famous Artist
-Won vampiresm09, sin15, and 1 C English grade from Which Color
-Won club13, melody02, and 1 C music grade from Card Scramble
-Won blackpearl05, eidolon20, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won tiara08, demoneyes10, and sunflower11 from Slots
-Won clow02 and windwaker13 from War
-Won dual15, hokage09, and 1 B art grade from Argh, the Boss
-Won nightclass09, objection15, 1 B music grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile

August 16, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my melody08 and mascots04 for hamham04 and couplesm04
-Traded Bunny my bloodyrose02, lotis01/09/11/13/17, master08/17/19, momo02, sixteen01/02/14, and member card for attorney01, beloved12, daybreak07, deus14, emperium11, gramarye13, hamham15, kurenai04, matsuri08, persona20, treasure17, trigger16, zaibatsu03, and member card
-Traded Princessshaman my minerva01/07/12, orphan09, spirits01/09/11, symphonia10, armors03/11, empress09, harmonia07/09/13/14, levitation04/10, ocarina08, and shambala03/14/18 for abuse11/17, alter14, apostle10, ballet10, books07, bracelet10, fresco01, hopeless01, lullaby11/12, matsuri01, otaku01, persona01, rondo14, sand06/16, tasukete16, thief13/19, and twin15

August 15, 2008
-Won section904, verbena05, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won nishimata02 and melody08 from Memory
-Won verbena13, shougi14, and 1 C history grade from Video Club
-Won scales13, overlord06, and 1 C music grade from Voice Talent
-Won ivalice11, commotion05, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won attorney06, overlord08, and 1 B English grade from Old Library Books
-Won minerva18, eidolon07, and 1 B music grade from Famous Artist
-Won illegal01, trauma10, and 1 C history grade from Which Color
-Won riskbreaker16, sky12, and 1 C English grade from Card Scramble
-Won pink07, fate01, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Codebreaker
-Won vampire17, fallen17, and 1 B music grade from Lucky Match
-Won craymel05, meitantei07, and blackmail03 from Slots
-Won levitation17 and makeup09 from War
-Won objection07, rain02, and 1 B history grade from Argh, the Boss
-Won kurogane17, ballistics04, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Took embryon08, fresco16, busters15, matsuri06, and persona16 from update freebies
-Traded Jenphi my oscar07/10/12 and fuyuki04/10/13 for mamono10, calamity04, hamham09, matsuri19, empress09, and thief06
-Traded Chikky my fortuna10 for stranger17

August 6, 2008
-Doubles: my adonis18, aurora10, babysitter07, brigade15, calamity05/19, cephiro05, chii08, class04/17, concerto06, crusades19, eldeen02, falena01, flamehaze12, forest07, future07, hopeless07, kira08, kurenai06, love05, norse19, pearl09, princess10/11, seed16, senshi04, shudelmir01/17, silmeria17, sin09, slave09, stranger08, tellius02, thief03, treasure11, and valmar13/16/19 for objection20, poison16, kira12, passion13, voice16, eclipse16, musou20, izayoiki09, kirsche12, fallen12, youma08, adlibitum07, billion19, imperial05, kitty14, riddle13, ito20, shambala09, orochi18, arms04, harem05, resistance02, harem08, cremia12, shugosei14, blade05, aurora11, shinra07, movies04, green05, eitoku02, parody08, lucius10, circus09, hoshigami01, wishes12, fortuna09, adlibitum12, and red05

August 5, 2008
-Traded Xerox my despair01, destiny01/03/09/14, exorcist01/03/13, feather13/15, guitar01/06/19, leyline03, commotion10, myths01/03/06, and royale16 for alter10, beloved15, bracelet01/09/16, calamity06, chaotic01/02, chii09, heartless11, lullaby03, medium05, nobodies08, objection06/18, parody03, twin01/04, and winter20
-Traded Kaz my blackmail01/02, elicoor02, homunculus10/15, and west01 for bell14, brother16, fanatica08, mamono04, evolution10, and metatag16
-Traded Laurietam my blue03/06/14, coordinator13/17/19, and oniichan01/08/16 for child11, journey17, kurenai18, nostalgia04, twin18, japan17, nishimata03, riskbreaker20, and rose03
-Traded Kaitie my astral08/15/17/20, babo07, chronos08, debt06, detective01/14, epitaph03/20, fate10/11/20, ghoul07, host13, kyou20, leyline19, limit13, meitantei04, momo18, nergal02/18, nightclass18/20, nights06, royale08, saint01/04/15/19, spring04, and trapnest07/18 for stranger20, abuse09, child02, hamham14, parody08, heal10/15, deus03, heartless20, trigger06, apostle03, blackpearl18, books03/20, oath08, akuma11, aries11, armors11, beginning05, camera11, checkmate02, chimera13, dash13, drops13, ecure19, escape10, eres04, flash09, freckles14, gigas02, gnosis19, interhigh09, lap19, and musou06
-Traded Hotaru my bara04, devil08, ecure05, and slave14 for ballet01, child01, and empress09/19
-Traded Kiwi my magi10, norse19, britannia13, despair02/05/11/17, eidolon01, overlord17, and member card for rondo06, ballet05, thief06, treasure12, forest01/15, chii04, heal05, empress09, and member card

August 4, 2008
-Won prettycure11, esthar20, and 1 C art grade from Card Scramble
-Won astral15, thief03, and 1 B music grade from Lucky Match
-Won falena01, lunar09, emblem14, 1 A art grade, 1 B English grade, and 1 C art grade from Slots
-Won peach03 and butterflies01 from War
-Won mascots15, digivolve10, 1 B science grade, and 1 member card from Game Profile
-Took eitoku20, razenshia16, ballistics20, elicoor02, and pinky03 from update freebies
-Replaced my destined13/15/20 with dats14, digidestined12, and dscanner17
-Replaced my 1 scallop, 3 shrimp, and 1 puffer for 7 member cards
-Traded Roxiezeke my immortal03/11/15 and twins20 for ballet06, bell06, mamono17, and couplesm02

July 30, 2008
-Won overlord17, harmonia14, 1 B English grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won magicalgirls01 and riddle18 from Memory
-Won ballet20, traveler17, and 1 C music grade from Video Club
-Won tellius02, nergal18, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Student Profile
-Won peacock17, harem17, and 1 B science grade from Old Library Books
-Won blackmail02, hotline08, and 1 B music grade from Famous Artist
-Won tasukete10, daybreak09, and 1 C science grade from Which Color
-Won destiny09, nights06, and 1 C history grade from Card Scramble
-Won family04 and 1 C English grade from Lucky Match
-Won akuma19, villainsg04, gramarye07, 1 A science grade, 1 B history grade, and 1 C science grade from Slots
-Won dreams16 and izayoiki10 from War
-Won halloween18, zaibatsu01, and 1 A music grade from Music Lesson
-Won nergal02, gaea03, and 1 B English grade from Argh, the Boss
-Won trauma08 and interhigh15 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won schoolgirls17 and club16 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won jigoku13 and persocom12 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won pink03 and liquor08 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won tartarus18 and brawl10 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won debt06, apostle18, celestial18, 2 extra credits, and 1 choice special coupon from 10 Puzzle (11)

May 18, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my emblem15, hourglass02/16/17, and reborn10/14/20 for evolution20, forest10, mystery11/17, sin09, and tournament11/20

May 8, 2008
-Traded Kitty Nox my momo04, twins19, and member card for calamity10, white01, and member card

May 6, 2008
-Traded Barbar my brawl02/15/16, butler05, chii18, and magicalgirls17 for bell15, brother05, umn17, rondo08/20, and schoolgirls12

April 28, 2008
-Won kimlasca13, tasukete18, 1 B history grade, and 1 member card from Puzzle
-Won zoanoid04 and twins19 !! from Memory
-Won exorcist13, tasukete01, and 1 B history grade from Voice Talent
-Won noir04, blackmail01, and 1 C English grade from Card Scramble
-Won kurogane11, babo07, and 1 B music grade from Lucky Match
-Won slave09, silmeria17, and chicago16 from Slots
-Won emblem15 and tellius11 from War

April 27, 2008
-Staff pay: adena01, aurora10, iris19, destined13, senshi04, desire10, 1 C English, 1 B music, and 1 extra credit

April 20, 2008
-Staff pay: bouken11, windwaker09, princess11, twins05, futago06, crimson15, 1 A English, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit
-Traded Ice Archeress my chimera06/12, guardian11, and member card for ballet07, empress04, starcrossed19, and member card

April 19, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my jewel13 and emblem19 for fanatica04 and hamham03

April 14, 2008
-Won myths01, feather15, and 1 B music grade from Costume
-Won kfight01, persocom07, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won orochi16 and rosary15 from Voice Talent
-Won purify01, kusabi05, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won fraulein16, fortuna08, and windwaker02 from Slots
-Won future12, sunflower01, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won shambala03 and beginning06 from Series Guess
-Won expel09, epitaph20, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won drops19 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A English grade from Bulletin Board
-Won emblem19 and chronos08 from Memory

April 13, 2008
-Staff pay: tamago06, maximum19, twins20, song06, journey03, detective14, 1 B music, 1 A music, and 1 extra credit

April 7, 2008
-Won memories17, epitaph03, and 1 B English grade from Costume
-Won spiral10, hourglass02, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won tasukete19 and clow13 from Voice Talent
-Won artist06, forest12, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won eclipse15, runemidgard02, and reborn20 from Slots
-Won brawl15 and demoneyes04 from War
-Won vampire03, hotline01, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won oniichan01 and drops18 from Series Guess
-Won white12 !!, donut14, and 1 B English grade from Warped
-Won badluck19, alter03, and 1 B English grade from Lucky Match
-Won angel12 from Bulletin Board
-Won villiansg18 !! and trigger07 from Memory
-Traded Kaz my nergal05/11, whiteflower10, arkscepter05, tachibana17, and eidolon09 for abuse05/08, umn10, winter05, metatag05, and otaku07
-Traded Yulah my beloved11/12 and angel19 for kira08 and otaku14/18

April 6, 2008
-Staff pay: ito16, blackmail20, sacred19, devil08, moon08, chii08, 1 B English, 1 B science, and 1 extra credit

April 1, 2008
-Received balance11, malice16, forest07, class04, millennion02, flamehaze12, maximum13, rakuen10, sinnoh04, bell12, traveler04, sky19, blossom08, riskbreaker09, lullaby18, oscar16, shudelmir01, eidolon01, dash09, eidolon09, immortal11, django16, newgen02, voice05, pearl09, valmar19, fusion05, shugosei03, maoh05, natural01, sylvarant09, slave14, zodiac06, myths07, sixteen14, kimlasca05, tachibana17, valmar13, aurora01/05/06/13/16, release06/11/16/17/20, chronicle01/06/11/12/13/19, culinary02/03/13/14/16/17, decisions01/02/04/11/15/17, kira02/03/08/09/16/20, and stranger04/09/14/16 for mastering Ohtori, Sin, Violin, Across, Baroque, Problems, Wired, Princess, Saiyan, Circus, Pearl, Shipwreck, Katena, Aurora, Release, Chronicle, Culinary, Decisions, and Kira

March 31, 2008
-Won nergal05, purify11, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won prettycure15, magicalgirls17 !!, and sacred13 from Slots
-Won imperial15 and crossover12 from War
-Won brawl02, umn19, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won falena13 and reborn14 from Series Guess
-Won awakening14, newgen03, and 1 B art grade from Warped
-Won triumph06 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A science grade from Bulletin Board
-Won nergal11 and kurogane03 from Memory
-Grades Exchange: 11 art B, 9 English B, 8 history B, 9 music B, and 7 science B for circus03/18, problems02/06/07/10, princess04/05/09/16/17, ohtori12/20, violin09/20, katena03/04/06/10/19, baroque01/11/12/14, shipwreck02/06/15/17, pearl12/13, across13/16/19, wired04/05/13/14, sin06/19, and saiyan05/08/12/13/16

March 30, 2008
-Staff pay: brawl16, trapnest18, ace18, judges20, lenneth05, soul17, 1 A art, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

March 25, 2008
-Won camera20, orochi15, and 1 B English grade from Costume
-Won green20 !!, newgen14, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won limit13, epitaph05, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won destiny14 and arkscepter05 from Voice Talent
-Won despair02, cremia10, and 1 C art grade from Freebies
-Won priestess20, kurogane10, and fate10 from Slots
-Won mascots04 !! (omg!), tasukete07, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won diplomat19, scrapyard16, and 1 B science grade from Warped
-Won green14 !! (what, omg!!) from Bulletin Board
-Won youma02 and shohoku04 from Memory
-Traded Evilbo my brawl04, liquor08, maoh12/20, and twins17 for ballet11, mamono08, winter02/18, and schoolgirls09

March 23, 2008
-Staff pay: section920, symphony02, destined20, moon19, ito14, diplomat18, 1 B science, 1 A art, and 1 extra credit

March 22, 2008
-Traded Kaz my arms18, despair07, eidolon03/14/15, and nergal20 for child06/16, empress12, parody04, umn02, and thief15

March 21, 2008
-Traded Princessshaman my coordinator10, delivery02/13, and member card for kurenai07, mamono07, chronicle07, and member card

March 19, 2008
-Traded Kitty Nox my devil10/15/16 for ballet19, release15, and heroes01
-Traded El my kitty19, psypher05, and rakuen16 for bell09 and alter07/11

March 18, 2008
-Took mamono03/12, bastille01/09, hourglass16/17, and fortuna10/12 from update freebies
-Traded Lucathia my emblem07, drifter15, teargem05, and norse02/12/17 for evolution17, treasure05, twin12, wishes16/20, and oath13

March 17, 2008
-Won eidolon14, seed16, and 1 B English grade from Costume
-Won brawl04, fortuna17, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won eidolon15, seasons20, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won meifu03 and umn16 from Voice Talent
-Won spirits01, master19, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won stranger08, devil10, and guitar19 from Slots
-Won nergal20 and love05 from War
-Won lunar05, blackpearl20, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won parody01 and brigade15 from Series Guess
-Won cremia19, momo04, and 1 B science grade from Warped
-Won ikaru06 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won curse07 from Bulletin Board
-Won umn09 and halo14 from Memory
-Won alter04, medium01, bara04, dreams15, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won badluck05, himuro16, fortuna19, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won eres06, judgment12, violin18, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won artist09, drops14, angel13, mystery04, eldeen02, and 1 puffer from Bonus
-Won mana10 and calamity18 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won makeup19 and ikaru19 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won hachiyou19/20 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won rondo19 and pearl14 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won host19 and innocent11 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won couplesm15 !!, dark06, royale08, and 2 extra credits from 10 Puzzle (11)

March 16, 2008
-Staff pay: treasure11, ghost19, vortex14, norse19, twins17, riskbreaker18, 1 C science, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

March 12, 2008
-Traded Evilbo my dark11, host16, immortal01, liquor12/14/16, lunar01/16, ninja07, scales08, and member card for bell05, calamity11, child15, culinary07, evolution08, fanatica03, hopeless20, kurenai15, nostalgia16, parody19, and member card

March 9, 2008
-Staff pay: izayoiki04, promise18, symphonia18, eldeen03, coralian01, neoarcadia14, 1 B art, 1 A music, and 1 extra credit

March 7, 2008
-Traded Kaz my fate16, nergal17, psypher15, tachibana02, teargem03, and couplesm03 for abuse13, brother06, culinary15, violin16, empress10, and couplesm18
-Traded Suidorime my witch12, nomoney15, and green01 for nostalgia12, problems03, and schoolgirls13
-Card Swap: my mana14 for fanatica14

March 6, 2008
-Won armors10, sylvarant20, and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won tachibana02, musou03, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won otaku03, violin08, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won green05 !! and minvera01 from Voice Talent
-Won ranger04, samurai02, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won arolandia04, kyou02, and fraulein12 from Slots
-Won tasukete14, drifter15, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won treasure06 and oath07 from Series Guess
-Won despair07, izayoiki16, and 1 B science grade from Warped
-Won family20 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won sylvarant10 and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won blossom15 and taiyou02 from Memory
-Won fuyuki04, section909, and ninja07 from Lottery; payed with nyanko18
-Took magicalgirls17/09 and pink01 from update freebie
-Took otaku10/13 and alter05/09 from update freebie

March 5, 2008
-Traded Oulan my beginning07/09/18/20, liquor02, and member card for kira17, kurenai17, umn14, parody10, empress05, and member card
-Traded Kitty Nox my model10/13/14/15 for nobodies18, umn15, heal04, and chii18

March 4, 2008
-Traded Windy my expel05, geostigma03/12, heroes06, orphan14/20, priestess02, shinra02, vortex08, and member card for books01, emblem07, journey05, maoh18, rondo11, sand15, saucer01/15, objection14, and member card
-Traded AoiElf my checkmate13/17, japan04, and seven06/07 for hamham01, metatag01, wired19, minerva06, and tasukete11
-Traded Sammie my malice16, mythril16, spiral02/05/09/17/18, and tachibana04 for abuse10, bell19, circus02, deus16, iris12/14, pearl16, and treasure01
-Traded Lucathia my amanto20 and drifter03 for sin15 and heal19
-Traded Yulah my balance02 for sin05

March 3, 2008
-Won heal09 and maoh20 from Scratch Off

March 2, 2008
-Won 2 extra credits for donating 1 card to Group Collect
-Staff pay: maximum02, tellius02, coralian11, magi10, adonis18, west01, 1 C history, 1 A history, and 1 extra credit

February 26, 2008
-Traded Sahara my platinum20, winter08, troupe11, butterflies14, checkmate02, and member card for abuse01, katena11/18, rondo10, trigger11, and member card

February 25, 2008
-Won adena06, bloodyrose02, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won saint01, twilight12, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won kitty19 and teargem03 from Voice Talent
-Won heal01, memories14, and 1 C art grade from Freebies
-Won psypher05, memories07, and mythril16 from Slots
-Won troupe15, green01 !!, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won newgen13 and homunculus10 from Series Guess
-Won starcrossed11, jewel13, and 1 B art grade from Warped
-Won eclipse19 from Bulletin Board
-Won rondo02 and kyou20 from Memory
-Took eidolon03, lens04, and evolution07/09 from update freebies
-Group Collect: my diclonius07 for future07

February 24, 2008
-Staff pay: balance02, calamity19, teargem05, trainwreck10, verbena18, guitar06, 1 A art, 1 A science, and 1 extra credit

February 20, 2008
-Grade Exchange: 1 B history for slave17
-Took iris06/16, empress01/15, nomoney06, peacock11, and newgen07 from update freebie

February 19, 2008
-Won tachibana15, millennium18, and 1 B history grade from Costume
-Won newgen04, falena01, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won white06 !!, winter08, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won stranger11 and requiem09 from Voice Talent
-Won tachibana04, host13, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won orphan09, babysitter07, and class17 from Slots
-Won witch12 and whiteflower10 from War
-Won model10, donut16, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won psypher15 and meitantei04 from Series Guess
-Won gigas20, starcrossed15, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won dash20 and 1 C science grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won master17 and nomoney15 from Memory
-Won fuyuki13 and sky15 from Lottery; payed with algo10
-Won drifter12 from Scratch Off

February 17, 2008
-Traded Sammie my artist02/07, balance05/07, britannia01, and natural03 for abuse03, calamity03, clow16, starcrossed16, circus08, and kurenai06
-Traded Kibby my slave17 and member card for ohtori19 and member card
-Staff pay: norse17, shikon02, spirits03, practice12, objection17, amanto20, 1 B English, 1 C science, and 1 extra credit

February 16, 2008
-Traded 0x my camera03/08/10/15/18 for child03, fate16/20, and prince11/15

February 15, 2008
-Won 4 extra credits for donating 2 cards to Group Collect
-Traded Vikitty my demon04/09/17 for kurenai06, nostalgia08, and winter04
-Traded Sara my ocarina18 and alice16/17 for violin05 and ballet02/09
-Traded Lucathia my laws06 and teargem02 for memories02 and oscar19

February 13, 2008
-Doubles: my across08, adonis12, arms02, arms02, aurora07, blackpearl07, books10, camera03, child07, circus07, culinary11, dash01, despair05, flamehaze01, flower02, gnosis12, judges05, karekano20, kusabi18, labyrinth03, minerva02, nobodies16, orphan20, oscar10, passion20, pearl06, pearl06, pearl11, princess10, riskbreaker06, saiyan01, shipwreck03, shuri04, shuri12, sin01, sin11, slave17, surgeon04, tamago01, tenkai19, vector01, vector01, violin14, wired06, and youma17 for royale16, mission11, calamity05, genpei11, norse02, concerto06, blackmail10, blackmail06, princess10, peach14, rakuen12, heroes11, stolen14, crusades19, lotis13, shambala18, shudelmir17, memories12, ballet12, hopeless07, malice16, beginning18, persocom19, child18, ecure05, couplesm03, elementary03, race09, stranger02, destiny01, judges02, drifter03, jusenkyo04, cephiro05, couplesm06, exorcist07, cremia08, nandemo09, mission10, fate11, dragon12, britannia13, orochi14, valmar16, and tenipuri17

February 11, 2008
-Won chii10, liquor16, and 1 B art grade from Card Scramble
-Won jusenkyo15 and blossom02 from Voice Talent
-Won ribbon19, coordinator13, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won devil02, fuyuki07, and myths03 from Slots
-Won brawl17, beastman07, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won balance19 and nightclass18 from Series Guess
-Won kitty20, checkmate02, and 1 B music grade from Warped
-Won nobodies16, saint04, child07, and 1 A English grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won jusenkyo02 and kyou06 from Memory
-Won twins09 (!!) and medium19 from Lottery; payed with hanagumi16
-Won shinra02 from Scratch Off
-Took nergal17, riders02, saint19, neoarcadia11, and riddle14 from update freebies
-Took green02/01 from update freebie
-Traded Sepia my kyou06/09, riddle14, shugosei05/06/08/15, and hachiyou12 for calamity09, circus19, kurenai01/05/12, umn20, problems12, and winter06
-Traded Suidorime my brawl17, britannia15, diplomat12, nandemo02/05, riders02, and twins09 for shipwreck12, ballet18, bell03/16, kira04/07, and schoolgirls06

February 10, 2008
-Staff pay: teargem02, riders16, race10, diplomat12, movies10, tenkai09, 1 C music, 1 B science, and 1 extra credit
-Received kendo07/09 from Card Claim
-Traded J-san my atlantis15, farm04, master18, alchemy01/05/09/20, judges10, and member card for abuse12, rondo04, winter13/16, heartless12, stranger07, thief14/17, and member card
-Traded Kaz my despair09, fate12, izayoiki01, mask03, and nightclass06 for aurora14, objection09, thief05, culinary01, and kurenai14
-Traded Chaos my babylon06/07/09, and member card for calamity19, culinary10, hopeless04, and member card

February 9, 2008
-Traded Ice Archeress my blossom17 for calamity12

February 8, 2008
-Traded Darkury my beastman20 for princess02

February 7, 2008
-Traded Windy my villainsg18, poison01/04/09/15, and sylvarant07/09 for schoolgirls01, violin13/19, wired15, clow05, hopeless05, and thief12

February 6, 2008
-Traded El my soul05 for baroque19
-Traded Lucathia my justice12/14/19 and ninja02/09 for heal17, hopeless08, winter08, drops20, and section901
-Traded Polar my library13 for kira13

February 3, 2008
-Staff pay: saint15, kirsche17, feather02, laws06, vector01, journey18, 1 C music, 1 C art, and 1 extra credit
-Bought 24 copies of my member card for 3 scallops, 12 shrimp, and 3 puffers
-Got 3 extra credit for donating picture (projects)

February 2, 2008
-Won wired03 and kitty06 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won amanto04 and blackpearl15 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won feather13 and host16 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won fate12 and violin02 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won geostigma12 and troupe11 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won kurenai19, katena15, harmonia13, and 2 extra credit from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Won assassin08, priestess02, wingfield12, umn01, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won genos02, winter19, flower02, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won contractor11, flamehaze09, millennium15, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won zodiac02, jewel08, justice12, lullaby20, hawk03, and 1 puffer from Bonus
-Traded Hotaru my elementary08/11/14, family01/17, futago02, genbu04, host12, july06, lotis18, lucifer15/16, and member card for across04, decisions20, fanatica13, kurenai20, parody15, sin12, umn05, hopeless03, metatag17, problems04/17, winter01, and member card
-Group Collect: my frozen02/09 for halo09 and symphonia11

February 1, 2008
-Won villainsg18 !!, immortal03, and 1 B English grade from Costume
-Won couplesm03 !! (Jesus, luckiest games ever!!), desire13, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won nerv13 and hollow12 from Voice Talent
-Won scales08, ballet04, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won chiyoumen06, shinra01, and ninja09 from Slots
-Won geostigma03, violin10, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won nightclass20 and detective01 from Series Guess
-Won minerva12 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A science grade from Bulletin Board
-Won stage14 and jusenkyo12 from Memory
-Took hamham05/16 and twins20 from update freebie

January 27, 2008
-Staff pay: sixteen02, kyou19, vampire08, tenipuri06, oscar11, blackpearl09, 1 B music, 1 A English, and 1 extra credit

January 26, 2008
-Won izayoiki19, crimson01, and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won heaven11, shugosei08, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won nostalgia17, blackpearl16, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won heal20 and winter10 from Voice Talent
-Won beastman02, momo18, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won beginning09, destiny02, and silmeria19 from Slots
-Won illegal05, cremia09, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won donut05 and beginning07 from Series Guess
-Won lotis11 and 1 A art grade from Bulletin Board
-Won objection12 and minvera07 from Memory
-Replaced my eog08/16 for nostalgia05/14 and took nostalgia01/07 and abuse19/20 from update freebies

January 24, 2008
-Traded El my kitty04, paris11/12/18, and psypher11 for release18, blackmail13, blossom17, genpei07, and homunculus15

January 23, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my tenipuri15/17 for hopeless16 and treasure15
-Traded Vikitty my pearl20 for problems01
-Traded Yuki my illegal19 and levitation11 for fanatica10 and starcrossed09
-Traded Brighid my jusenkyo04/06/11/13 for trigger09, prettycure16, platinum20, and youma11

January 22, 2008
-Traded Kaz my justice17, blackpearl08, immortal02, thanatos18, bloodyrose08, and diplomat09 for aurora09, circus01, kurenai09, violin07, saiyan15, and kurenai16

January 20, 2008
-Won crimson10, calamity17, and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won decisions13, immortal01, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won scholar19 and prettycure17 from Voice Talent
-Won pendragon17, noir16, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won dash01, bouken16, and midnight15 from Slots
-Won ikaru13, exorcist03, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won minvera08 and violin17 from Series Guess
-Won hachiyou12, rakuen16, and 1 B art grade from Warped
-Won football20 and 1 A English grade from Bulletin Board
-Won bell07 and stranger18 from Memory
-Won ghoul07, rosary17, and orochi13 from Lottery; payed with lucius10
-Took red19 from update freebie
-Took bell10 from update freebie
-Staff pay: seed12, wired06, gamers02, coordinator19, psypher11, shuri12, 1 A history, 1 A science, and 1 extra credit
-Took umn07/12, brother17, kurenai03, and emblem12 from update freebie

January 17, 2008
-Won nightclass06, parody02, and 1 B music grade from Costume
-Won heaven14, minerva20, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won feather03, tellius18, and 1 B art grade from Card Scramble
-Won strahl11 and lunar16 from Voice Talent
-Won master18, immortal02, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won purify06, innocent04, and host12 from Slots
-Won sin11, lucifer01, and 2 extra credits from War

January 16, 2008
-Traded Li my dark13 and ghost08 for princess03 and baroque16

January 15, 2008
-Traded J-san my attorney18 for sin03

January 13, 2008
-Staff pay: izayoiki01, surgeon04, crimson08, vampire02, comic10, alchemy01, 1 B art, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

January 12, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my meitantei05 for medium09
-Traded Jelly my class03 for wired07
-Traded Vikitty my master13/20 and starcrossed17 for circus07/14 and decisions08

January 11, 2008
-Traded Kaitie my babylon15/17, chronos15, dalmasca13/18, epitaph10/17, hokage01, kyou01/17, momo02/03/07/12, nightclass04, shinigami14, symphonia01, twilight04, objection08, and member card for leash11, despair05, django13, ghoul10, crimson07, django11, pearl11, across08, artist17, aurora07, chiyoumen13, despair05, devil05, flash08, freckles03, frozen02, oniichan11, shugosei06, silmeria12, sylvarant07, and member card
-Traded Fafnirh my stage16 and member card for rondo15 and member card
-Traded Kirisame my traveler01/02/03 for heartless14, violin04, and wired06

January 9, 2008
(Wednesday games played before update)
-Won library13, wings08, and 1 B science grade from Costume
-Won medium16, delilah01, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won objection13, zodiac17, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won bloodyrose08 and harmonia09 from Voice Talent
-Won diplomat09, illegal19, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won shuri04, kusabi18, and passion20 from Slots
-Won surgeon18 and arms20 from War
-Won violin12, couplesm19 !!, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won problems05 and fuyuki10 from Series Guess
-Won vampire19 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won metatag02 from Bulletin Board
-Won kitty04 and circus09 from Memory
-Won tenipuri17, japan04, and exorcist01 from Lottery; payed with peach02
-Won meitantei05, chii03, and 1 A art grade from Guess the Mangaka
-Traded Sammie my crimson02/14, dreams20, falena04, harmonia01, mitochondria04/18, shohoku02/13, and sky17/19/20 for ballet14, calamity02, aurora15, decisions19, fanatica15, rondo05, shipwreck08, violin03/06, and wired09/17/18
-Took clow04 from update freebie

January 6, 2008
-Staff pay: alice06, nerv12, beastman20, tamago01, mythril19, spirits09, 2 C English, and 1 extra credit

January 5, 2008
-Traded Quatre my myths12 for spring04
-Traded Percy my beginning13 and camera14 for fanatica17 and violin15
-Traded Suidorime my strahl04 and reborn11 for problems18/19

January 3, 2008
-Traded Yuki my ghoul14/16, mission07, and mascots19 for decisions05, ballet13, calamity01, and schoolgirls18

January 2, 2008
-Traded Lucathia my tellius03, balance06, and coralian17 for fanatica11, wired02, and books10
-Traded Percy my harmonia17 for baroque13

January 1, 2008
-Traded Maija my soul03, sunflower03/05, and master11 for across07/11, wired12, and chronicle17

December 31, 2007
-Won spirits11, deus12, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won myths12, astral17, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won nocturne12 and reborn11 from Voice Talent
-Won alice17, noir17, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won nightclass04, millennium14, and ribbon08 from Slots
-Won priestess07 and guardian17 from War
-Won momo07, couplesm14 !!, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won epitaph10 and stranger16 from Series Guess
-Won beginning20, judges10, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won levitation04 and 1 C science grade from Lucky Match
-Won seed07 from Bulletin Board
-Won coralian17 and innocent08 from Memory
-Took mascots19 from update freebie
-Traded Nyah my sunflower05 and host14 for circus06 and fanatica02

December 30, 2007
-Staff pay: scholar09, calamity20, culinary11, mana14, craymel06, trapnest07, 1 A science, 1 C science, and 1 extra credit

December 27, 2007
-Traded Fafnirh my bloodyrose07/15 for wired01 and books05
-Traded El my artist16, chiropteran04, epitaph11/12, gaea20, rakuen20, and member card for balance06, emigre01, problems11, release03, starcrossed03, wired08, and member card
-Traded Quatre my football14, iroha03, and heartless03 for saiyan01, rondo03, and dreams20
-Traded Suidorime my reborn13, model03/16/19, trapnest01/13, beloved11, and member card for culinary19, fanatica06, starcrossed10/20, treasure09, liquor08/14, and member card

December 26, 2007
-Traded Quatre my zodiac14, stolen07, myths09, japan08, geostigma05/07, and chronos09/18 for pearl01/11, spiral02, prince09, poison01, promise06, and ranger16/20
-Traded Sasuke my persocom03/09/14/17/18, runemidgard07/09/10/14, and chiyoumen02/06/10/12 for princess14/15, atlantis15, frozen09, lucifer16, norse19, tamago01, toudou05, vector01, scythe11, wired10, forest18, and shipwreck14

December 23, 2007
-Traded Windy my priestess11 for problems15
-Traded Lucathia my meitantei12, tellius05, balance03, coralian04/06/12, hollow09, jewel08, and kimlasca04/12/17 for ohtori16, decisions12, rondo16, forest19, shipwreck04, dark11, practice20, oscar10, sand03, judges05, and freckles13
-Staff pay: genbu04, nyanko15, ghost20, arms18, tellius03, checkmate13, 1 C art, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit

December 22, 2007
-Took oath02, problems14, and 1 A science grade from advent calendar
-Took calamity05 from update freebie

December 21, 2007
-Won fanatica01, bloodyrose07, and 1 B music grade from Costume
-Won gaea20, kyou01, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won reborn13 and ego16 from Voice Talent
-Won geostigma07, flamehaze15, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won surgeon19, class03, and alchemy09 from Slots
-Won tenkai19 and hokage01 from War
-Won kirsche05, craymel10, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won master08 and lotis18 from Series Guess
-Won 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won chiropteran17 and model16 from Memory
-Won adonis12, designer05, starcrossed17, voice03, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won meitantei12, moon01, purify04, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won interhigh12, dark13, delivery13, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won sacred09, natural04, nocturne19, triumph17, seed10, and 1 puffer from Bonus
-Took genos12, kirsche10, and 1 A history grade from advent calendar

December 20, 2007
-Took meister02, zoanoid01, and 1 B science grade from advent calendar

December 19, 2007
-Took race11, traveler02, and 1 B art grade from advent calendar
-Traded Sammie my attorney10 and child08 for violin14 and starcrossed07
-Received sacred20, priestess11, judges05, destined15, karekano20, traveler03, family06, flamehaze01, blossom04, symphonia15, bloodyrose15, concerto07, dreams13, practice05, sin01, fallen06, shikon04, tamago20, youma17, dalmasca18, armors03, trainwreck14, mask03, harem09, lucifer15, pearl06, gnosis12, arms02, spiral18, curse13, symphonia02, peach02, bara04/11/13/15/18, heart07/09/11/15/17, kingdoms04/08/10/13/17, passion04/07/08/15/16, solieu09/10/15/16/20, love01/04/05/10/17, and ohtori03/11 for mastering Hunters, Brigade, Class, Gullwings, Space, Eden, Flower, Tiara, Shudelmir, Valmar, Bara, Heart, Kingdoms, Passion, Solieu, and Love

December 18, 2007
-Won cross16, race04, and 1 B English grade from Costume
-Won traveler10, tiara18, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won books15, traveler16, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won sky19 and colony10 from Voice Talent
-Won host14, oscar10, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won pearl20, child13, and youma18 from Slots
-Won shugosei05, scrapyard15, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won forest07 and iroha03 from Series Guess
-Won momo02, promise20, and 1 B music grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A science grade from Bulletin Board
-Won attorney18 and chiropteran16 from Memory
-Won zodiac14, gaea05, and ocarina04 from Lottery; payed with promise01
-Won 1 extra credit from Scratch Off
-Won ribbon17 and child07 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won drops06 and sand17 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won flower04 and hopeless19 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won farm04, camera12, babysitter07, and 2 extra credits from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Took attorney04, demon03, and 1 B science grade from advent calendar
-Traded Yuki my dragon20 for starcrossed14
-Took couplesm08, couplesm04, and couplesm16 from update freebie
-Took ballet17 from update freebie
-Traded Lys my villainsg16 for schoolgirls03
-Grades Exchange: art A x3, art B x3, art C x1, English A x3, English B x4, English C x2, history A x3, history B x1, history C x4, music A x11, music C x3, science A x6, and science C x4 for tiara07/19, circus12, chronos18, valmar01/02/06/17, strahl04, noir03, class03/04/18, beloved02, minerva02, heroes06, eden01/03/06/10, imperial14, symphonia01, shudelmir04/09/14/17, colony13 (lol relena), demon19, chimera02, orochi08, delivery02, tellius05, jusenkyo06, gullwings07/08/19, pearl06, destiny03, himuro18, brigade03/07/16/19, cross19, twilight04, rosary19, maoh12, flower09/13/15/17, moon04, chiropteran04, school06, kimlasca17, crimson17, treasure03, hopeless11, hunters12/17, stranger19, oath01, space02/14/15/18, tenipuri15, couplesm09, harmonia17, silmeria06, race18, movies17, amanto16, and astral20

December 17, 2007
-Group Collect: my concerto10/15 for diclonius07 and kendo18
-Traded Vikitty my nerv06 and witch01/02 for princess06, violin14, and forest09
-Traded Kaitie my babylon03/19, blackmail15, feather10, geostigma02, ghoul03/15/19, mythril11, section906/14/20, and seven03/08/15/17 for princess01, violin01, attorney14, circus20, treasure11, trigger04, arms02, camera03, coordinator17, cross07, flash02/09/14, labyrinth03/04, and silmeria17
-Traded Lucathia my villainsg05 and seasons10 for villainsg16 and shudelmir11
-Traded Quatre my contractor09 for solieu19

December 16, 2007
-Staff pay: sunflower05, hotline02, kirsche07, shinigami14, fanatica05, django01, 1 history B, 1 music B, and 1 extra credit

December 13, 2007
-Doubles: my adonis16, armors09, atlantis11/16, bara06/12, baroque10, blackpearl06, books16, cephiro16/17, chronicle18/20, circus13/17, culinary05, diclonius10, ecure12, emigre06, empire16, family17, football05, gnosis02/11, harmonia07, jusenkyo20, kingdoms19, mana05, nandemo02, nerv08, paris12, poison20, revolution05/16, scythe17, shuri20, slave10, soul05, stranger01, tiara05/09, and wired16 for labyrinth10, shipwreck03, silmeria07, gaea06, fanatica07, sinnoh06, princess10, chronos15, princess11, ghost08, rondo12, babylon07, attorney18, beloved11, meifu13, slave17, ghoul16, levitation11, riskbreaker06, shugosei01, mana03, flamehaze12, crimson02, dash03, artist02, labyrinth07, blackpearl07, expel05, mission07, shambala14, heian09, rondo13, magi19, strahl18, chronos09, epitaph17, fanatica12, kyou09, seed14, momo02, scythe04, and orphan20

December 11, 2007
-Won meister12, drops07, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won meister03, beginning13, and 1 A music grade from Card Scramble
-Won pendragon11 and heartless04 from Voice Talent
-Won concerto15, chronicle08, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won shudelmir12, heroes16, and thanatos08 from Slots
-Won spiral09 and hollow09 from War
-Won metatag07, ribbon12, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won liquor02 and dragon20 from Series Guess
-Won alchemy20, kingdoms07, and 1 A art grade from Warped
-Won stranger01, youma16, and 1 B art grade from Lucky Match
-Won villainsg05 from Bulletin Board
-Won epitaph12 and beloved10 from Memory
-Won diclonius12, symphonia10, harmonia07, oath03, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won violin11, minerva19, football05, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won freckles08, circus13, geostigma02, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won fraulein08, flamehaze01, eres13, millennium06, labyrinth03, and 1 puffer from Bonus
-Won arms02 and falena04 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Won liquor10 and youma01 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won objection05 and 1 A art grade from advent calendar
-Took rondo01 from update freebies
-Traded Yuki my chaos05/07/12/16, dragon05/10, and farm11 for nobodies12, pearl08, across02, sin09, objection08, shipwreck19, and wishes01

December 9, 2007
-Traded Sahara my imperial13, thief15, and stranger15/17/20 for heart19, flower12, tiara16, shipwreck09, and contractor07
-Staff pay: lenneth14, stolen07, atlantis16, meister13, orphan20, ranger18, 2 music B, and 1 extra credit

December 7, 2007
-Traded Kaz my designer08/12, tenkai16, and thanatos19 for beloved09, katena05, treasure08, and valmar12
-Traded Kuvert my comic18/19, immortal08/15, meister10/16, tamago12, and member card for gullwings11, circus07/04, heartless01, love13, nobodies19, valmar11, and member card
-Traded Quatre my maoh10 and meifu10 for revolution16 and katena17

December 6, 2007
-Traded Lucathia my illegal20, purify03, and tournament01/11/20 for heart20, nobodies16, trigger10, valmar13, and stranger01
-Traded Vikitty my ohtori09 for problems13
-Traded Yuki my windwaker05/13 and forest09 for problems16, circus10, and kira01

December 5, 2007
-Traded Princessshaman my destined04, minerva20, and ninja13/15 for brigade06, kira15, beloved12, and trigger03
-Traded Quatre my zodiac18 and host08 for cephiro16 and gullwings16
-Traded Windy my angel03, delilah06/17, genbu04, halo02/03/06/15, jewel02/18, musou11/15/17, navi11, priestess18, samurai09, shinigami11, and west02 for aurora08, balance07, baroque10, butterflies16, comic12, contractor18, cross02/13, deus11, forest13, harmonia01, lunar03, mystery20, seasons10, soul03/05, symphony18, and tattoo06

December 4, 2007
-Won dragon05, levitation10, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won jewel18, cross12, and 1 A art grade from Card Scramble
-Won forest02 and youma14 from Voice Talent
-Won sunflower03, youma13, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won july06, balance05, and astral08 from Slots
-Won thanatos19 and myths09 from War
-Won football14, contractor09, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won coordinator10, artist16, and 1 A science grade from Warped
-Won halo02 and 1 A music grade from Bulletin Board
-Won esper06 and coralian06 from Memory
-Won wishes18, halo06, and kirsche12 from Lottery; payed with lucifer12
-Won maoh10 from Scratch Off
-Won aurora19, wishes10, and 1 A science grade from Guess the Managka
-Traded Quatre my imperial04/07/09 for comic18/19 and shipwreck06
-Took model03 and 1 C history grade from Advent Calendar

December 2, 2007
-Staff pay: spiral05, valmar16, heaven19, concerto06, master20, mana05, 1 A music, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

November 26, 2007
-Traded Lucathia my japan16 and coralian11 for release05 and saiyan09
-Traded Kaitie my badluck18, blackmail04/11, django16/18, heartless04/05, japan12, and scramble02 for class14, kingdoms02, tiara12, angel19, arolandia17, illegal20, malice07, tamago12, and future17
-Traded Jelly my armors08/19, crystal17, and priestess11 for bara05/12, katena08, and thief03

November 25, 2007
-Won traveler12 and harmonia07 from Costume
-Won craymel01, minvera15, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won butterflies06, guardian01, and 1 A music grade from Card Scramble
-Won immortal08 and heart06 from Voice Talent
-Won natural03, imperial13, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won blackmail14, cross05, and zoanoid17 from Slots
-Won lunar01, host08, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won dalmasca13, rosary02, and 1 A music grade from Warped
-Won immortal15, liquor09, and 1 B history grade from Lucky Match
-Won persocom09 from Bulletin Board
-Won drops11 and hachiyou18 from Memory
-Won objection11, mitochondria13, and despair01 from Lottery; payed with promise16
-Staff pay: chii08, gigas19, attorney10, beloved05, craymel03, drops10, 1 music A, 1 English A, and 1 extra credit

November 23, 2007
-Traded Kaz my persocom15 for gullwings17

November 22, 2007
-Took japan08, reborn10, and hunters19 from Thanksgiving freebie
-Traded Quatre my witch10/15/20, stolen13, and coordinator02 for across09, attorney05, shipwreck18, trigger20, and culinary04
-Traded Sammie my forest04/05/08/16 for attorney16, class16, culinary05, and release14

November 21, 2007
Wednesday games played before update
-Won race20 and reborn18 from Costume
-Won feather10, eres12, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won geostigma05, despair09, and 1 B history grade from Card Scramble
-Won kirsche02, jupiter17, and farm11 from Slots
-Won solieu07 and space03 from Voice Talent
-Won guitar08 from Bulletin Board
-Won despair11 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won balance03 and butler05 from Memory
-Won windwaker05, starcrossed17, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won concerto10 and checkmate17 from Series Guess

November 20, 2007
-Traded Yuki my beloved06/15 and member card for brigade18, culinary05, and member card

November 19, 2007
-Traded Ariad my hokage09 for class07
-Traded Windy my astral04, fallen08, and shikon10/17 for chronicle04, sin02, eden16, and tiara17

November 18, 2007
-Staff pay: paris12, tournament01, sin11, zodiac18, craymel02, wings17, 1 science C, 1 science A, and 1 extra credit
-Traded Kaz my halo13, reborn06, assassin08, dalmasca08/19, lenneth07/10, and chii03/05/06/12/17 for baroque07, circus13, deus05/06/10, stranger06, thief15, valmar05, shudelmir15/18, heartless10, and nobodies04
-Traded Iris my esper15 for sin20
-Traded Nyah my astral01 and imperial07 for kingdoms18 and bara12
-Traded Rahenna my origin19, purify16, objection04, and member card for class02, passion09, sin16, and member card

November 17, 2007
-Traded Sammie my concerto13, crossover08/16, falena09, flamehaze12/19, harmonia12, navi18, samurai08, sunflower06/08, and attorney02 for bara06, beloved08, circus11/17, eden12, love16, ohtori18, release07, shipwreck20, space09, stranger12, and tiara05

November 16, 2007
-Traded HopeChest my despair04 for kira06
-Traded Yuki my beloved02 for solieu05
-Traded Quatre my dark17/20, ego01, myths02, shinigami04, voice07, and witch09/15 for baroque10, chronicle10, circus17, katena07, nobodies17, tiara05, devil17, and hachiyou14

November 15, 2007
-Received senshi04/10/13/17, cephiro02/03/04/09, adonis17/18, hunters01/06, drops13, tenkai05, atlantis11, elementary14, mythril11, alice09, bouken20, nerv08, vatican15, akuma10, millennium07, samurai09, 2 extra credit, 1 art C, 1 English C, 1 history C, 1 music C, and 1 science C for mastering Crusades, Crystal, Senshi, Stardust, Cephiro, Adonis, and 20 member cards

November 14, 2007
-Grades Exchange: English B x3, science A x1, and science C x2 for adonis04/07/11, cephiro12, coordinator02, chii17, and master11

November 13, 2007
-Won passion19, princess13, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won witch02, wings20, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won flamehaze13, camera03, and dark17 from Slots
-Won camera10 and treasure04 from Voice Talent
-Won 1 A music grade from Bulletin Board
-Won britannia15 and django16 from Memory
-Won kira05, ghoul15, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won chiropteran15 and persocom18 from Series Guess
-Won shipwreck13, flamehaze19, and 1 A music grade from Warped
-Grades Exchange: art B x3, art C x3, English C x3, history C x1, music A x3, music C x2, and science C x2 for stardust04/09/18, hokage09, eclipse10, justice19, rakuen20, vampire15, eden11, ghoul19, crystal11/13/16, wired16, cross09, dash16, school01, trapnest13, objection04, and saiyan19

November 11, 2007
-Staff pay: chii05, kendo20, himuro09, interhigh14, immortal15, chimera16, 1 science C, 1 art B, and 1 extra credit

November 10, 2007
-Grades Exchange: art B x1 and English B x1 for spirits13 and crusades11
-Traded Lucathia my illegal15 and practice14 for culinary11 and problems20
-Traded Yuki my fallen02/09/15 for trigger08, sky14, and myths11
-Traded Mamori my epitaph11 for bara10
-Traded Evilbo my blackmail15 and 1 B science grade for class13 and 1 B art grade

November 7, 2007
-Yay, I'm legal!
-All Wednesday games played before update
-Won guitar01 and seed02 from Costume
-Won butterflies14, halo15, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won saiyan03, astral04, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won starcrossed05, musou11, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won persocom14, blackpearl06, and myths02 from Slots
-Won dash01 and harmonia12 from Voice Talent
-Won sacred02 from Bulletin Board
-Won youma17 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won sunflower06 and shudelmir01 from Memory
-Won halo13 and release10 from Series Guess
-Won love08, child17, and 1 C art grade from Warped
-Won blackpearl14 and starcrossed08 from Lottery; payed with wingfield20
-Won chiyoumen02, chimera04, and 1 A music grade from Guess the Mangaka
-Won heaven16 from Scratch Off
-Traded Elvy my jusenkyo08 for cephiro19
-Traded Vikitty my jusenkyo06 for babylon03
-Traded Nyah my norse20 for culinary09

November 6, 2007
-Traded Jelly my saiyan14, coordinator05/08/09, sacred14, and samurai06/10 for attorney03, heartless16, katena20, shudelmir19, stranger17, valmar09, and hunters04
-Traded Chikky my sylvarant17/18, kimlasca02/04/16, hollow15, ribbon14/20, and member card for baroque06, decisions16, deus20, paris12, jigoku02, reborn06, seven06/07, and member card
-Traded Lucathia my artist19 and member card for valmar19 and member card
-Traded M-chan my kirsche19 and west04 for ohtori09 and cephiro08
-Traded Kuvert my aries07/18, blossom15, blood02, spirits13, thanatos06/20, and treasure03/04/06 for shipwreck01/03/05/10/16, forest09, stranger13, saiyan11, adonis19, and circus16
-Traded Ariad my sylvarant19 for across14

November 5, 2007
-Traded Kaz my dark03, origin01/07, toudou07/09, and stage13 for brigade10, princess08/12/20, solieu17, and stardust15
-Traded Vikitty my hotline07/17 and member card for circus05/15 and member card

November 4, 2007
-Traded Lys my dreams17 and thief06/09 for gnosis02 and hunters05/15
-Traded Vikitty my harem13 and jusenkyo05 for princess10 and sin07
-Traded Yuki my spirits08 for stardust02
-Traded Elvy my atlantis15 and bara07 for gullwings01 and stardust10
-Staff pay: fallen02/08, jewel08, diclonius04, vortex08, gamers09, 1 A science, 1 B English, and 1 extra credit

October 31, 2007
-Traded Quatre my beloved08/09 for problems08 and ohtori05

October 30, 2007
-Won katena02 and witch10 from Costume
-Won dreams09, soul08, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won thief08, katena14, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won persocom17, decisions03, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won deus04, revolution05, and heaven07 from Slots
-Won beloved16 and falena09 from Voice Talent
-Won 1 A English grade from Bulletin Board
-Won pearl15 and sunflower05 from Memory
-Won samurai08, sunflower08, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won starcrossed04 and hopeless07 from Series Guess
-Won mask06, section903, and 1 C science grade from Warped
-Took despair17 from update freebie
-Took 1 shrimp from update freebie
-Won senshi01, midnight07, gamers15, django18, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won adonis15, eclipse13, chii16, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Traded Elvy my member card for member card

October 28, 2007
-Staff pay: crystal17, sylvarant09, future10, despair04, seed03, fallen09, 1 C art, 1 B English, and 1 extra credit

October 23, 2007
-Received judgment16, hopeless17, practice11, sky01, gnosis02/18, and crusades02/08 for mastering Revolution and Gnosis

October 22, 2007
-Took objection16 from update freebie
-Won epitaph11 and crusades17 from Lottery; payed with millennion19
-Won 1 extra credit from Scratch Off
-Grades Exchange: art C x1, English C x3, history C x1, art A x3, and art B x1 for heartless04, ohtori13, tournament11, katena13, runemidgard14, revolution10/11/18/20, valmar20, football05, and hotline07
-Traded Yuki my balance05, donut02, shambala19, and spirits11/13 for hunters07/13 and ohtori02/09/10
-Traded Sammie my innocent15, jigoku05, and shugosei02/06 for cephiro14, decisions07, senshi11, and tiara13

October 21, 2007
-Card Swap: my sixteen18 for crystal18
-Staff pay: flamehaze12, spirits11, guardian11, shambala19, esper11, football18, 1 C English, 1 C English, and 1 extra credit

October 20, 2007
-Traded Xerox my checkmate08/09, contractor06, kitty20, and leyline06/10/13 for bara03, beloved02, heartless05, gnosis11, crusades13/14, and saiyan14

October 19, 2007
-Won beloved13 and shudelmir13 from Costume
-Won nobodies11, chiyoumen10, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won tenkai16, runemidgard07, and 1 C art grade from Freebies
-Won chimera12, concerto13, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won blackmail15, kingdoms19, and meifu04 from Slots
-Won shikon10 and mask14 from Voice Talent
-Won delilah06 from Bulletin Board
-Won imperial09 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won starcrossed18 and shudelmir03 from Memory
-Won illegal15, oscar20, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won japan12 and pearl03 from Series Guess
-Won dalmasca19, attorney02, and 1 C science grade from Warped
-Traded Dite Hart my assassin09, colony02/06/08, detective02/10/19, guitar02/03, soul01/13/14, and member card for baroque04, crusades03, crystal19, gnosis05/08/11, saiyan14, cephiro10, chronicle14, ohtori14, passion03, senshi12, and member card

October 17, 2007
-Traded Quatre my astral14, feather11, school07/11, shinsengumi14/17, feather06, july09, and member card for blue03, babylon09, empire02, gnosis04, leyline03, seed08, hanagumi16, heart16, and member card

October 15, 2007
-Won love03 and crusades15 from Costume
-Won kitty20, craymel18, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won musou17, aurora12, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won july09, wishes15, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won jigoku05, runemidgard10, and justice17 from Slots
-Won attorney11 and fusion10 from Voice Talent
-Won feather06, 1 A English grade, and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won contractor06 and 1 C English grade from Lucky Match
-Won ohtori15 and gullwings09 from Memory
-Won deus02, kusabi17, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won mythril12 and wishes12 from Series Guess
-Traded Lucathia my school05 for gullwings04
-Traded Lys my eres07/11/17 and sylvarant08/11 for brigade13/15, across10, pearl19, and stranger05

October 14, 2007
-Received crystal02 and solieu11 from Card Claim
-Staff pay: liquor12, freckles14, mana05, eldeen02, fallen15, chimera10, 1 C English, 1 A history, and 1 extra credit

October 13, 2007
-Traded Kaz my delivery04, drops16, genos19, halo08/12, japan13/16, reborn02, runemidgard13, traveler04, and platinum14 for adonis08, baroque17, class12, eden18/20, gnosis14, gullwings10, flower05, kingdoms03, ohtori17, and senshi16
-Traded Kalle my ecure16 and mythril01/07 for adonis10, princess19, and sin01
-Traded HopeChest my astral08, beastman02, butler01/17/20, jewel04, myths14, and forest09 for adonis01, culinary12, senshi19, passion17, pearl02, expel02, heian18, and seven15
-Traded Elvy my slave16 for space11
-Traded Kaitie my delilah02/07, heartless14, and nobodies18 for across06, baroque09, crystal01, and thief02

October 12, 2007
-Traded Kaitie my shinra11 and scrapyard10 for crusades16 and space05

October 9, 2007
-Won practice14, astral08, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won treasure03, valmar03, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won checkmate08, katena12, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won revenge13, chronicle20, and delilah07 from Slots
-Won kimlasca12 and wings10 from Voice Talent
-Won expel16 from Bulletin Board
-Won nandemo02, passion12, and 1 B music grade from Lucky Match
-Won ghoul03 and balance05 from Memory
-Won halo08, persocom03, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won stardust19 and feather11 from Series Guess
-Won kimlasca16, heart12, and navi11 from Lottery; payed with eldeen03
-Won kingdoms19 from Scratch Off
-Won deus15, runemidgard09, and 1 A science grade from Guess the Mangaka

October 7, 2007
-Staff pay: atlantis15, stardust16, vampire09, kimlasca04, meifu10, eden08, 1 B English, 1 A history, and 1 extra credit

October 4, 2007
-Traded Sammie my shambala02/04/07, tattoo01, and alchemy19 for culinary08/20, kira14, saiyan17, and stardust13

September 30, 2007
-Received beastman02, blood02, and revolution02/03 for mastering Atlantis
-Staff pay: seven19, harem13, space04, shuri20, eres07, minerva02, 1 C art, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit
-Traded Barbar my magi04/14/15, shipwreck04, and member card for baroque02, crusades01, gnosis17, space13, and member card

September 29, 2007
-Won sylvarant17, section920, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won decisions09, brigade12, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won nandemo05, shudelmir06, vatican10, 1 A music grade, 1 B music grade, and 1 C science grade from Slots
-Won nobodies15 and voice01 from Voice Talent
-Won lenneth20, shipwreck07, and 1 C science grade from Warped
-Won brigade17, trigger19, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won blossom15 and epitaph11 from Series Guess
-Won sixteen01 from Bulletin Board
-Won class06 and stranger03 from Memory
-Grade exchange: art C x2, history A x2, history C x1, music C x2, and science C x3 for musou15, heartless09, atlantis14/20, armors09, soul01, poison15, sacred14, britannia01, alchemy19, vatican08, and destined04

September 28, 2007
-Traded Lia my feather10 for solieu13

September 27, 2007
-Received genbu04, books16, and atlantis10/11 for leveling up from doctor to professor
-Traded Lucathia my ghost18 for sin10

September 26, 2007
-Traded Chikky my prettycure09/19 and beastman08 for gnosis07, crystal15, and kira18
-Traded Lys my shipwreck01/03/07, heart02, and member card for pearl07, brigade14, crystal04/12, and member card

September 26, 2007
(Wednesday games played before update)
-Won witch09 and origin19 from Voice Talent
-Won delilah02, chaos12, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won symphony01, ego08, judges08, 1 A art grade, 1 B science grade, and 1 C art grade from Slots
-Won fusion03, mitochondria04, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won west02, deus17, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won halo12, musou01, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won camera08 and priestess18 from Series Guess
-Won wired16 from Bulletin Board
-Won decisions18 and west04 from Memory
-Won silmeria10, sylvarant08, prettycure19, and atlantis06 from Lottery; payed with eclipse09
-Won 1 extra credit from Scratch-Off
-Contest prizes: poison05, oniichan16, blue06, gigas08, sky20, practice02, 1 B science, 1 C art, and 1 extra credit

September 23, 2007
-Traded Ai my treasure01/03/08/20, pendragon17, musou01/04/05/09/15/16, and member card for heart18, princess07, revolution17, hunters18, passion02/05, stranger08, thief09/20, slave10/16, and member card
-Traded Kaitie my attorney03/05/06/07/09/16/20, jupiter17/19, revenge07/13, scrapyard18, shinra12/20, shuri04, and strahl07 for crusades12, gullwings15, heart03, forest09, stranger20, treasure04, revolution08, baroque08, kimlasca10, meister10, model15, momo12, sky17, spirits08/13, and witch20
-Traded HopeChest my jigoku10/11, delivery09/10/13, and contractor14 for solieu02, space08, stardust06, aurora17, pearl20, and cephiro17
-Staff pay: stolen13, riskbreaker06, sixteen18, surgeon04, crossover16, feather10, 1 B English, 1 C music, and 1 extra credit

September 22, 2007
-Traded Chikky my beloved04 for saiyan04
-Traded Lucathia my future11 for nobodies02
-Card Swap: my tenkai03 and sylvarant14 for stardust03 and decisions14
-Traded Kate my blossom04 and seed12 for eden09 and gullwings05

September 17, 2007
-Won heartless19 and hollow15 from Voice Talent
-Won contractor14, attorney05, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won kusabi18, detective10, and nerv08 from Slots
-Won eres09, tattoo01, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won decisions06, tenkai03, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won seed16 and designer07 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won nobodies05 and japan13 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won solieu08 and imperial07 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won tiara03 and shudelmir16 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won platinum14, runemidgard13, pendragon17, and 2 extra credit from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Took problems09 for donating deck image
-Traded Celi my shinra06/20, amanto08/17, blood08, hollow02/07, tattoo10/11, and voice08 for crusades04, flower08, gnosis03, heart14, shipwreck07, treasure03/08/18, hunters20, and passion14

September 16, 2007
-Staff pay: wingfield10, emigre06, nerv18, futago02, nandemo02, strahl07, 1 B science, 1 B history, and 1 extra credit

September 15, 2007
-Received emigre06, future11, and atlantis02/05 for mastering Slave
-Traded Fayde my shikon14, nocturne04/14, and geostigma11 for class17, kira12, and space12/19 <3

September 14, 2007
-Grade Exchange: art C x3, history A x4 for fusion04, scrapyard10, shinsengumi17, slave07/08/14/18, ghoul14, colony02, ranger03, and purify09
-Traded Princessshaman my hollow14, dragon16, and dreams09 for beloved08, love20, and senshi02
-Traded Lys my expel15 for across08

September 13, 2007
-Won 1 A history grade from Bulletin Board
-Won aurora18 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won paris15 and assassin09 from Memory
-Won magi04, aries07, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won frozen17 and dragon16 from Series Guess
-Won eden14, colony08, and 1 C art grade from Warped
-Won dalmasca08, diclonius10, delivery10, blossom04, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won school11, sylvarant18, poison09, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won solieu14 and master13 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Group Collect: my tenkai14 for empire16

September 11, 2007
-Traded Lucathia my future04/06/13, symphony03, tenipuri11, and football14 for beloved17, culinary18, stardust05, trigger18, section906, and jigoku11

September 10, 2007
-Received stardust11, judges16, and slave03/05 for mastering Kare Kano

September 9, 2007
-Staff pay: jusenkyo20, prettycure09, futago09, stage13, dreams17, arolandia08, 1 A art, 1 A history, and 1 extra credit
-Took decisions10 for donating images for that deck
-Card Swap: my witch05 for brigade05

September 8, 2007
-Won kira19 and release02 from Costume
-Won ohtori01 and soul14 from Voice Talent
-Won nobodies18, minerva20, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won books16, jupiter19, and chronicle18 from Slots
-Won diclonius15, shudelmir08, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won designer08, musou14, and 1 C art grade from Freebies
-Won shudelmir02/20 and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won sylvarant14 and purify16 from Series Guess
-Won millennion19 from Bulletin Board
-Won alice13 and shambala02 from Memory
-Won tattoo10 and colony06 from Lottery; payed with peach17
-Won ribbon20 from Scratch Off

September 7, 2007
-Traded Chikorin my sky16 for passion10
-Traded Sammie my blackmail20, jigoku04/19, tattoo18, and member card for bara17, crystal10, gnosis13, revolution15, and member card

September 6, 2007
-Traded Jadax my eres13, kimlasca14, and member card for revolution09, beloved09, and member card

September 5, 2007
-Got two extra credit from Group Collect for donating two cards

September 4, 2007
-Received scrapyard18, hunters09, armors19, crossover08, dreams09, dragon10, and 3 extra credit for donating images for two decks

September 2, 2007
-Won attorney03 and treasure06 from Costume
-Won camera14 and navi18 from Voice Talent
-Won halo03, jusenkyo06, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won orphan14, shinsengumi14, and rosary07 from Slots
-Won eres20, seasons09, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won malice18, alchemy05, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Staff pay: toudou07, rosary13, shambala04, detective19, chiyoumen06, mythril01, 1 C art, 1 C science, and 1 extra credit
-Grade Exchange: art C x2, English B x5, history C x2, and science C x4 for origin01, guitar03, karekano15/16/19, orphan08/19, reborn02, model13, shinra12, ecure12, astral14, and shinra20
-Group Collect: my orphan08/19 for vampire17 and priestess19

August 30, 2007
-Won labyrinth17 and natural14 from Voice Talent
-Won nerv06, flower07, and 1 C science grade from Warped
-Won wishes03, paris11, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won checkmate09 and brigade02 from Series Guess
-Won scholar12 and 1 C science grade from Lucky Match
-Won child08 from Bulletin Board
-Won lenneth10 and tiara14 from Memory
-Traded Princessshaman my blade02 and laws08 for slave13 and revolution16
-Traded Edwardelrcikay my witch06, shambala09, and coralian13/20 for atlantis15, aurora11, cephiro13, and solieu06

August 29, 2007
-Received dark20, assassin08, and karekano12/14 for leveling up from Master to Doctor

August 28, 2007
-Traded Xerox my contractor15 and beastman05/14 for karekano10, hanagumi15, and tattoo11

August 27, 2007
-Won chii17 and shambala07 from Lottery; payed with akuma13
-Won 1 extra credit from Scratch Off

August 26, 2007
-Staff pay: scythe17, heartless18, camera15, devil15, lotis20, beastman14, 1 C history, 1 C art, and 1 extra credit

August 24, 2007
-Won sin14 and baroque03 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won shinra06 and vortex18 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won geostigma11 and shipwreck01 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won seed12 and judgment19 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won comic15, across20, coordinator08, and 2 extra credit from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Won eres17 and saiyan10 from Costume
-Won wired20, baroque05, and 1 B science grade from Card Scramble
-Won butler01, chimera19, and ninja15 from Slots
-Won drops16, contractor15, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won pearl09, beastman08, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Grades Exchange: art C x2, English C x1, history C x2, music C x3, and science C x2 for stardust12, beastman05, momo03, shambala09, demon17, trapnest01, crimson03, comic17, bara07, and verbena17
-Card Swap: my symphonia05 and shinsengumi10 for chronicle05 and flower10
-Traded Kate my blossom12/15, zodiac02/07/16, and persocom02 for brigade09, gnosis15, love02, slave17, solieu04, and aurora10

August 23, 2007
-Won gnosis20, kira11, and 1 C music grade from Warped
-Won slave06, judgment09, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won sky16 and aries18 from Series Guess
-Won poison04 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won windwaker13, 1 A history grade, and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won coralian12 and blossom12 from Memory
-Traded Kaitie my assassin20 and tattoo03 for ohtori04 and blackpearl08
-Traded Xerox my geostigma16, britannia04/05/13/16, checkmate04/10/15, colony02/12/15/20, feather05/06/07, and hawk05 for class20, blossom15, musou04, coralian20, emigre05, lenneth07, seasons18, seven08, section907, school07, traveler04/07, verbena12, wishes09, badluck18, and samurai10

August 19, 2007
-Staff pay: aurora07, kyou17, slave02, school05, scholar07, ecure16, 1 B music, 1 C English, and 1 extra credit

August 18, 2007
-Won senshi05 and musou01 from Costume
-Won beloved19 and paris18 from Voice Talent
-Won family11, alice14, and persocom15 from Slots
-Won kira10, imperial04, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won coordinator05, voice08, and 1 C science grade from Freebies

August 16, 2007
-Traded Kate my balance04/09/12/15/18 and blossom11/14/17/18/20 for adonis20, baroque20, crystal20, gnosis01, eden04, ohtori06, space07, witch01, mitochondria18, and astral01

August 14, 2007
-Won innocent13, blackpearl04, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won balance09, trainwreck05, and 1 C science grade from Warped
-Won colony20 and hollow02 from Series Guess
-Won expel15, saiyan06, and 1 B music grade from Card Scramble
-Won thanatos06, shuri04, and nyanko18 from Slots
-Won saiyan01, chronicle09, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won devil08 from Bulletin Board
-Won fusion15, brigade20, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won checkmate04, persocom02, and forest04 from Lottery; payed with expel05
-Won coralian13 and magi14 from Scratch Off
-Won zodiac02, millennion14, toudou09, delivery09, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won passion20, demon12, meister16, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won nocturne04, shinra20, amanto17, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won checkmate15, peach17, space10, elementary11, esper15, and 1 puffer from Bonus
-Won kusabi12 and kimlasca02 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)
-Took checkmate10 from free card

August 12, 2007
-Staff pay: coralian07, silmeria11, jigoku10, devil16, chii06, princess18, 1 A music, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

August 7, 2007
-Won revolution01, treasure20, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won kingdoms05 and musou05 from Costume
-Won atlantis16 and japan16 from Voice Talent
-Won forest05, babysitter02, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won designer18, ivalice14, and heian10 from Slots
-Won shipwreck11, designer12, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won meister17 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won geostigma16 and 1 A history grade from Bulletin Board
-Won britannia04, aurora20, and 1 C music grade from Freebies

August 5, 2007
-Staff pay: curse14, crimson14, assassin20, soul13, purify03, rosary18, 1 C art, 1 B English, and 1 extra credit

July 31, 2007
-Received balance12, armors08, and karekano04/07 for mastering Shuri

July 30, 2007
-Grades Exchange: jupiter17, hollow07, demoneyes15, crossover16, kimlasca04, coralian11, shuri04/05/08/10/13/14/18, ocarina18, innocent15, family17, witch15, and shinigami11 from 1 art C, 2 history C, 2 music C, 1 science C, 5 English A, 2 English B

July 29, 2007
-Won balance15/18 and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won stardust01, seven03, and 1 B science grade from Warped
-Won elementary08 and model14 from Voice Talent
-Won gullwings12, flower20, and 1 B history grade from Series Guess
-Won witch06, samurai06, and 1 B English grade from Card Scramble
-Won armors09, sin08, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won release12, origin07, and traveler01 from Slots
-Won shikon17 from Bulletin Board
-Won karekano01, bara01, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won amanto08 and nobodies10 from Lottery; payed with eldeen05
-Won 1 extra credit from Scratch Off
-Took heartless06 from free card
-Staff pay: shinigami04, vampire13, guitar02, halo06, blackpearl07, delilah17, 1 A English, 1 C science, and 1 extra credit

July 24, 2007
-Traded Songokuu my akuma14 and trapnest20 for karekano06/09

July 23, 2007
-Won 1 C music grade, 1 flour, 1 egg, 1 milk, and 2 strawberries from Unique
-Traded Allie my license10, voice13/18/20, ribbon02/16, wings16, destined01/02/08, django18, ego03, flamehaze13, library01, magi02/04/20, mask13/19, platinum19, practice06/12/17, runemidgard10, school17, seasons13, shinigami03/04, and member card for across18, atlantis07, attorney07, bara08/16, beloved11, crusades06/10, crystal07/17, flower14/18, gullwings20, hunters02/10/14, kingdoms14, ohtori07, revolution13, senshi09, sin17, slave04, solieu01, space01/20, stardust07/14, tiara01, and member card
-Traded Mamori my epitaph04 for saiyan02
-Traded Shann my strahl15 and desire04 for heart08 and release08

July 22, 2007
-Won kusabi07, shudelmir07, 1 B science grade, and 2 sugar from Puzzle
-Won adonis16, slave10, 1 B science grade, 1 milk, and 1 sugar from Warped
-Won sylvarant11, feather07, 1 B music grade, and 1 egg from Costume
-Won shipwreck04, across17, 2 flour, and 1 milk from Card Scramble
-Won practice12, class05, 1 B science grade, and 1 egg from Find Chunkypuff
-Won designer03, 1 C art grade, and 1 sugar from Lucky Match
-Won britannia05 and 1 sugar from Bulletin Board
-Won class19, demoneyes10, 1 C history grade, and 1 flour from Freebies
-Card Swap: my west12 for love12
-Staff pay: adonis16, devil01, sarasa10, valmar08, shugosei02, valmar04, 1 A science, 1 A art, and 1 extra credit

July 15, 2007
-Staff pay: forest16, laws08, poison20, chaos07, thanatos20, heart02, 1 B art, 1 B English, and 1 extra credit

July 14, 2007
-Won eden19, myths14, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won slave11, stranger15, and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won britannia13, epitaph04, and 1 B history grade from Series Guess
-Won brigade01 and forest08 from Card Scramble
-Won britannia16, flower16, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won 1 A science grade from Bulletin Board
-Won hawk05, brigade04, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won treasure01, hanagumi07, and gnosis06 from Lottery; payed with curse19
-Won shuri12 and camera19 from Scratch Off
-Took revenge13 from free card
-Traded Fayde my badluck14 and concerto01 for crusades18 and slave01

July 13, 2007
-Won delivery04 and hotline09 from 10 Puzzle (5-6)
-Won brigade11 and bara20 from 10 Puzzle (7-8)
-Won jusenkyo13 and midnight10 from 10 Puzzle (9-10)
-Won gullwings06, adonis03, heroes19, and 2 extra credit from 10 Puzzle (11)
-Grade Exchange: wingfield20, platinum19, wired11, vector11/13/16/17/18/19, scrapyard01, and musou15 for 3 music C, 2 art A, and 4 art B
-Received tiara09, section914, and shuri01/03 for mastering Vector
-Doubles Swap: my designer11, lotis09, scrapyard01, and shugosei15 for butler17, hollow14, ego01, and babylon19

July 11, 2007
-Traded AnneRei my coordinator13, imperial15, paris18, and vatican05 for passion18, senshi03/06, and space16

July 10, 2007
-Traded Iceymoon my dalmasca01, leash12, practice20, rakuen12, guitar19, noir13, and member card for atlantis13, shuri06/09, cephiro15/18, adonis05, and member card

July 9, 2007
-Card Swap: my sarasa08 for tiara08

July 8, 2007
-Traded Maija my seed12/19 for across05 and class09
-Staff pay: bouken07, colony12, lucius20, saiyan07, poison20, scythe17, 1 B English, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit

July 7, 2007
-Won trigger15, practice17, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won voice18, lotis01, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won eres13 and chimera06 from Voice Talent
-Won jewel04, butler20, and 1 B science grade from Series Guess
-Won blossom17 and gullwings13 from Card Scramble
-Won blossom11, flamehaze13, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won ranger01, 1 A music grade, and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won chii03/12 and 1 C music grade from Freebies

July 5, 2007
-Won adonis13 and kingdoms11 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)
-Won passion11 and blackmail15 from Voice Talent
-Won seasons13, vatican19, detective02, trigger12, shugosei15, and 1 puffer from Bonus!
-Won practice18, soul05, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won seed12, family01, and camera18 from Slots
-Took coralian04 from free card
-Received noir13, ribbon02, and vector08/09 for leveling up from Bachelor to Master

July 4, 2007
-Won heartless13, eden02, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won mask19, scythe14, and 1 B science grade from Series Guess
-Won seven17 and seed19 from Card Scramble
-Won django18, coordinator13, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won silmeria01 from Bulletin Board
-Won vampire12, passion01, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Won kirsche19 and ghost18 from Lottery; payed with movies08
-Won curse19, destined02, designer11, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won rakuen12, treasure16, delivery13, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won eclipse09, section919, eldeen05, 1 shrimp, and 1 scallop from Double Warped
-Won heartless03 and thief06 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)

July 1, 2007
-Staff pay: jigoku19, concerto01, prince04, lotis09, shinsengumi10, escape04, 1 A history, 1 C music, and 1 extra credit

June 28, 2007
-Traded Kaz my delivery02, navi07, paris09, and platinum04 for adonis09, crystal05, and stardust08/17

June 27, 2007
-Traded Baolyn my delilah13 and dragon19 for attorney02 and cephiro17

June 25, 2007
-Traded Nafretiri my hollow14, destiny04/05/18, fallen05/16/18, and member card for crusades07, revolution12, shuri17, atlantis03/08/09, eden15, and member card
-Traded Fayde my gaea04/10 for bara19 and kingdoms12

June 24, 2007
-Card Claim: class08 and shuri20
-Grade Exchange: art C x 1, history C x 1, music C x 1, and science C x 1 for love19, hollow14, navi07, and tattoo03
-Traded HopeChest my thief15, exorcist15, forest01, and member card for atlantis01, hunters03, flower01, and member card
-Staff pay: empire16, donut02, norse20, shinra11, alice18, space06, 1 B art, 1 B history, and 1 extra credit

June 23, 2007
-Won katena09, chronicle18, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won eres11, chii05, and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won lotis17 and class11 from Voice Talent
-Won class15, katena01, and 1 B art grade from Series Guess
-Won chiyoumen12 and runemidgard10 from Card Scramble
-Won trapnest20, fusion14, and 1 B music grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won tournament16 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A history grade from Bulletin Board
-Won chronicle15, attorney09, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Took culinary06 from free card. Just as skilled as Mama!

June 19, 2007
-Traded Maija my malice04, nobodies19/20, paris05/17, ranger20, soul02/12, and spirits10 for adonis02/06/12, atlantis17, crystal09, heart01/13, kingdoms06, and senshi20

June 17, 2007
-Won across12, lotis09, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won trigger13, nobodies20, and 1 B history grade from Costume
-Won leyline10 and trigger02 from Voice Talent
-Won baroque15 and kimlasca14 from Card Scramble
-Won leyline06, magi20, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won millennion08, toudou17, and flower03 from Slots
-Won flash11 and 1 A history grade from Bulletin Board
-Won babylon06, imperial15, and 1 C art grade from Freebies
-Won oniichan08 from Lottery; payed with kyou12
-Staff pay: kingdoms16, future07, shugosei15, shuri02, tournament20, exorcist15, 1 B music, 1 C history, and 1 extra credit

June 15, 2007
-Won west12 from Scratch Off
-Traded Kaz my model03/06/12/15 and spirits02 for karekano08/17/20, gnosis09, and tiara10
-Traded Jassy my himuro03/07/15 for pearl04, oscar07, feather06

June 14, 2007
-Traded HopeChest my shikon09/12 for mask13 and promise01
-Traded Kaze my minerva16, hollow02, and seed09 for hunters11, revolution04, and shuri11
-Bought 7 more copies of my member card for 2 scallops, 1 puffer, and 3 shrimp

June 13, 2007
-Received mythril07, valmar07, and vector01/03 for leveling up from Graduate to Bachelor
-Received soul12, tenkai19, and vector04/06 for mastering Ecure

June 12, 2007
-Won shugosei06, spirits02, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won gullwings18 and jigoku04 from Voice Talent
-Won thief10, genos19, and 1 B English grade from Series Guess
-Won class10 and colony15 from Card Scramble
-Won tiara09, feather05, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won senshi18 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won demon09 from Bulletin Board
-Won across01, heartless08, and 1 C English grade from Freebies
-Won tiara06 from Lottery; payed with judges20
-Grade Exchange: English C x 1, history C x 4, music B x 1 for blossom20, model12/19, ranger05, ninja02, and persocom16
-Card Swap: my mana15 and mission18 for shuri15 and saiyan18

June 10, 2007
-Staff pay: paris19, judges13, model03, chaos16, oscar12, babylon17, 2 C history, and 1 extra credit

June 6, 2007
-Traded Kern my blossom18 and persocom16 for brigade08 and heart04

June 3, 2007
-Staff pay: stage16, sylvarant19, tenkai14, trigger14, nocturne14, saiyan20, 1 B history, 1 B music, and 1 extra credit

June 2, 2007
-Traded Nafretiri my donut06 for bara14
-Won senshi15 from Scratch Off

May 31, 2007
-Traded Eiji my jupiter18 and spring16 for vector12 and passion13

May 28, 2007
-Traded Kaz my flamehaze18 and host18 for karekano03/05
-Traded Lollie my persocom16 and member card for flower19 and member card

May 27, 2007
-Staff pay: wings16, lucius10, minerva16, leyline19, cross20, movies08, 1 C history, 1 A science, and 1 extra credit

May 26, 2007
-Grade exchange: art C x 2, history C x 1, music C x 1, science C x 3, and extra credit x 1 for lucifer12, heartless14, kingdoms20, destiny18, curse17, genos14, nobodies19, and ecure08
-Won 1 shrimp, 1 scallop, magi15, and scythe20 from Double Warped
-Won 1 puffer, crystal08, host18, and spirits10 from Bonus
-Group collect: my spirits12 for fallen05
-Received blood08, soul02, and ecure14/20 for leveling up from Senior to Graduate

May 25, 2007
-Won chronicle20, musou09, and 1 B science grade from Puzzle
-Won beloved18, chronicle03, and 1 B history grade from Costume
-Won pearl18, dark03, and 1 B history grade from Warped
-Won model15 and spirits12 from Voice Talent
-Won shuri19 and class01 from Card Scramble
-Won flower11, valmar10, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won witch05 and 1 C history grade from Lucky Match
-Won 1 A music grade from Bulletin Board
-Won paris05, bara06, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won thief11 and symphonia05 from Lottery; payed with orphan13
-Won balance04 and practice20 from 10 Puzzle (3-4)

May 20, 2007
-Staff pay: gullwings03, labyrinth11, kingdoms01, diclonius10, tenipuri11, emigre16, 1 B art, 1 B English, and 1 extra credit

May 15, 2007
-Won adonis14 and scramble02 from 10 Puzzle (1-2)

May 13, 2007
-Won magi04, karekano02, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won justice14, shudelmir05, and 1 B art grade from Warped
-Won pearl06, school17, and 1 B science grade from Costume
-Won dragon19 and magi02 from Voice Talent
-Won thief04, kingdoms09, and 1 B science grade from Series Guess
-Won paris17 and crystal03 from Card Scramble
-Won release01, dalmasca01, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won blade02 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won hunters08 from Bulletin Board
-Won ribbon16, designer02, and 1 C science grade from Freebies
-Won babylon15, leash15, and release19 from Lottery; payed with master08
-Won heart05, mission05, and 1 shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won elementary02, revenge07, and 1 shrimp from Codebreaker
-Staff pay: future06, atlantis04, chaos05, books10, jewel02, myths06, 1 A music, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit

May 9, 2007
-Traded Kaze my exorcist14, natural07/19, and member card for crystal06, slave19, flower02, and member card

May 7, 2007
-Traded Mamori my heartless05, katena17, and treasure07 for heart10, cephiro20, and slave09
-Traded Maija my seed06 for karekano13

May 6, 2007
-Staff pay: blackpearl06, future15, blossom14, himuro03, judges20, devil10, 1 C science, 1 A English, and 1 extra credit

May 4, 2007
-Scratch Off: ecure06 and guitar19

May 3, 2007
-Card swap: my library02 and guitar05 for vector02 and pearl05

May 2, 2007
-Grade exchange: 1 art B, 1 music B, 1 English C, and 1 history C for heartless05, treasure07, shinigami04, and kingdoms15
-Won beloved01, seed06, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won practice06 and strahl15 from Voice Talent
-Won ivalice02 and platinum04 from Card Scramble
-Won leash12, musou16, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won orphan13 and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won love09, tiara20, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Took forest01 from free card
-Traded Lollie persocom01/13 and tattoo11 for crusades19, solieu12, and cephiro07

April 29, 2007
-Staff pay: zodiac16, family17, persocom16, thanatos18, gaea04, shikon14, 1 A English, 1 C art, and 1 extra credit

April 26, 2007
-Traded Maija my heartless05, treasure07/14, and member card for solieu18, vector15/20, and member card

April 22, 2007
-Staff pay: karekano18, gaea10, scrapyard01, delilah13, destined08, vatican05, 1 A music, 1 A art, and 1 extra credit

April 21, 2007
-Traded Mamori my nobodies20 for ecure16
-Traded Lollie my blossom09 for shipwreck03

April 20, 2007
-Took ecure10 from free card
-Won karekano11, malice04, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won ohtori08, sin04, and 1 B science grade from Costume
-Won atlantis18 and guitar05 from Card Scramble
-Won crystal14, jusenkyo20, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won bara07 and 1 A science grade from Bulletin Board
-Won tattoo11, flower06, and 1 C history grade from Freebies
-Won stranger10, jupiter18, angel03, and ecure05 from Lottery; payed with guardian07

April 15, 2007
-Staff pay: shohoku13, demon04, vortex13, mission14, promise16, freckles16, 1 A music, 1 C English, and 1 extra credit
-Card claim: beloved04/15

April 14, 2007
-Grade exchange: 1 history C, 3 history A, 1 extra credit for thief15, fireball17/18/19/20, freckles18, sylvarant01, and atlantis12
-Received heart02, artist19, and ecure01/02 for mastering Fireball

April 13, 2007
-Took voice20, nobodies20, ego03, kyou12, beloved06, coordinator09, and fireball12/14/15 from randomizer and choice cards

April 9, 2007
-Traded NebulaChain my thanatos02, hachiyou01, purify13, heartless20, and valmar02/10 for love07, gnosis19, vector10, and ecure03/15/18

April 8, 2007
-Staff pay: blue14, seed09, blossom18, slave20, flash03, release13, 1 C history, 1 B art, and 1 extra credit

April 6, 2007
-Received ocarina08, spiral17, and fireball02/10 for leveling up from Junior to Senior

April 5, 2007
-Took bara09 from free card
-Won colony02, valmar14, and 1 B history grade from Puzzle
-Won jusenkyo04, eden13, and 1 B science grade from Series Guess
-Won shinigami03 and aurora03 from Card Scramble
-Won jusenkyo08, mitochondria17, and 1 B history grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won heartless05, tiara02, and 1 B science grade from Costume
-Won 1 A history grade and 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Won treasure14, license16, and 1 C music grade from Freebies
-Grade exchange: 1 art C, 1 history C, 2 music C, and 1 science C for hotline17, fireball16, destiny05, pearl10, and hunters16

April 4, 2007
-Traded Kvetina my host17 for sin18

April 1, 2007
-Staff pay: akuma14, demoneyes19, spring16, guardian07, space17, alice16, 1 C music grade, 1 A history grade, and 1 extra credit

March 28, 2007
-Took A grades in art, English, history, music, and science from update freebies
-Traded Avori my armors07 for love15

March 25, 2007
-Staff pay: desire20, paris09, exorcist14, flash10, baroque18, blackmail20, 1 C history grade, 1 C science grade, and 1 extra credit

March 23, 2007
-Traded Mamori my witch12 for chronicle02

March 20, 2007
-Got 1 extra credit from Scratch Off
-Won across03, valmar10, and 1 B music grade from Puzzle
-Won katena17 and crusades05 from Correct Me
-Won persocom01 and flamehaze18 from Voice Talent
-Won senshi14, ribbon14, and 1 B science grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won library02 and attorney16 from Lottery; payed with heian14
-Won 1 A history grade from Bulletin Board
-Exchanged 1 C history grade, 2 B history grades, and 1 A history grade for atlantis19, fireball01/04/08, and designer11

March 19, 2007
-Traded Eimii my geostigma04/17, ivalice13, ocarina02, shinra04, soul20, sixteen16, and member card for cephiro05, ecure11/04, gnosis12, vector14, eden07/17, and member card

March 18, 2007
-Traded Kitsune my harem06 for fireball11
-Traded Mamori my member card and 1 B art grade for member card and 1 B history grade
-Staff pay: vortex11, algo10, expel05, fallen18, cephiro11, future13, 1 B history grade, 1 C art grade, 1 extra credit

March 16, 2007
-Won love18, mana15, and 1 B science grade from Warped
-Won revolution06 and crusades20 from Card Scramble
-Won passion06, slave16, and 1 B history grade from Costume
-Won shudelmir10, destiny04, and 1 C history grade from Music Mixup

March 13, 2007
-Traded Lunix my ribbon05 and member card for fireball05 and member card

March 12, 2007
-Turned in grades: English C x 1, history C x 2, music C x 1: crusades09, ninja13, shohoku02, and pearl17
-Received heian14, valmar18, and fireball03/06 for leveling up from Sophomore to Junior

March 11, 2007
-Won stardust20, oscar13, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won eldeen03 and witch12 from Correct Me
-Won eden05 and soul20 from So Trivial
-Won love14, geostigma04, and 1 B English grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won 1 extra credit from Bulletin Board
-Staff pay: leyline13, desire04, natural07, armors07, shinra04, thanatos02, 1 C history grade, 1 B English grade, and 1 extra credit

March 10, 2007
-Won release09 and blossom09 from Card Scramble
-Won sixteen16, persocom13, and 1 C history grade from Music Mixup
-Won tiara04, harem06, and 1 C English grade from Alien Life
-Won senshi07, tiara11, and 1 B art grade from Warped
-Traded Kaz my mana16, flamehaze08/19, and member card for fireball13, ecure17, gnosis10, and member card

March 7, 2007
-Bought six new copies of my member card for 3 shrimp 1 puffer

March 5, 2007
-Won shuri16 and library01 from the ninth and tenth puzzles of 10 Puzzle
-Won voice13, ranger20, priestess11, and 2 extra credit from the boss puzzle of 10 Puzzle

March 4, 2007
-Won senshi08, fallen16, and 1 B English grade from Puzzle
-Won geostigma17 and license10 from Correct Me
-Won across15 and gnosis16 from So Trivial
-Won tiara15, aurora04, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won 1 A English grade from Bulletin Board
-Won valmar15 and ivalice13 from the third and fourth puzzles of 10 Puzzle
-Won jusenkyo05 from Lottery; payed with lucius04
-Won sin13 from Scratch Off
-Won attorney20 and love06 from the fifth and sixth puzzles of 10 Puzzle
-Won cephiro01 and mana16 from the seventh and eighth puzzles of 10 Puzzle

March 2, 2007
-Got member card (x3)
-Won attorney06 and blossom18 from Card Scramble
-Won norse12 and 1 C music grade from Lucky Match
-Won valmar02, badluck14, and 1 B English grade from Warped
-Won football14 and ocarina02 from first and second puzzles in 10 Puzzle
-Won a shrimp from Crazy Puzzle
-Won a shrimp from Codebreaker
-Won a shrimp and scallop from Double Warped
-Won a puffer from Bonus

February 28, 2007
-Traded Katseye my twilight09, babylon03, and paris20 for gullwings02, cephiro16, and revolution19
-Card Swap: my school03 and chiyoumen15 for solieu03 and slave15

February 26, 2007
-Won heartless20, hotline11, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won flamehaze08 and himuro15 from Correct Me!
-Won model06 and sarasa08 from Voice Talent
-Won blackmail04, chroicle16, and 1 B art grade from Find Chunkypuff
-Won cephiro06 from Bulletin Board

February 24, 2007
-Received jusenkyo11, master08, and fireball07/09 for leveling up from freshman to sophomore
-Traded Kaz my judgment02, guitar06, and ranger07 for ecure12, revolution05, and vector07

February 21, 2007
-Won ecure13 and 1 C art grade from Lucky Match
-Won zodiac07, tattoo18, and 1 C art grade from Alien Life
-Won paris20 and 1 B art grade from Costume
-Won guitar06 and babylon03 from Card Scramble
-Won judgment02, treasure07, and 1 C music grade from Music Mixup
-Won blackmail11, revolution14, and 1 B English grade from Warped
-Exchanged 2 C art grades, 1 C English grade, 2 C history grades, 1 C music grade, and 1 C science grade for arolandia20, paris18, donut06, delivery02, ranger07, school03, and bara02

February 20, 2007
-Won 1 C science grade, 1 C history grade, 1 B art grade, and 1 A music grade for doing Logic Puzzle

February 18, 2007
-Won host17, flamehaze19, and love11 from Lottery; payed with master03

February 17, 2007
-Traded spirits03 for akuma13 at Group Collect

February 16, 2007
-Took ecure09/19 from Card Claim

February 15, 2007
-Won future04, shikon09, and 1 B art grade from Puzzle
-Won books17 and katena16 from Correct Me!
-Won hollow02 and slave12 from So Trivial
-Won spirits03, fusion07, and 1 B English grade from Warped
-Won gullwings14 and release04 from Card Scramble
-Won deus08 and 1 C history grade from Costume
-Won hachiyou01, mana02, and 1 C English grade from Music Mixup

February 6, 2007
-Joined! Received twilight09, lucius04, symphony03, ecure07, shuri07, natural19, purify13, ribbon05, master03, mission13, himuro07, lullaby05, revolution07, aurora02, mission18, voice07, chiyoumen15, vector05, destined01, shikon12, and 5 Extra Credit grades in my starter pack!

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