duck soup!
January 2, 2009
-Won revolution18, females13, dream09, and 5 stars from Freebies
-Won darkness08, sky16, picori14, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won cross10 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won universe02, trauma12, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won evolution17, phoenix09, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won mitochondria13, reminisce09, purification12, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won crisis11, tournament02, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic-Tac-Toe
November 20, 2008
-Won force13, guilty11, twili18, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won marionette16 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won calibur06, raider13, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won sacraments13, rockman06, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won cruxis11 and 1 character coupon from Mixed Cards
-Won dalmasca12, mist05, dash11, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won manatree07, eighties20, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won goodbye04, champion05, puzzle66, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won lifestream19, wrench02, and sin13 from Slots
-Won pillarofautumn08, godseal16, phoenix07, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won nightmare07, focustower17, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha
-Won iluminados11, speed18, trigger15, 1 series coupon, puzzle65, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won empires02 and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 1
-Won dreamer18, id11, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers 2
-Won nexus18, cookingfriends16, and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 3
-Won unfading19, holyknight03, and 3 stars from Link's Heart Containers 4
-Won scions17, raccooncity18, gippalxrikku07, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers Grand Prize
-Took plissken16, marionette10, and driftinghigh15 from weekly freebies
-Exchanged my old wark06/08 and pikpik15 for wark09 and pikpik10
November 15, 2008
-Traded Phynix my dewprism20, phazon01, squire14, sky18, summoner13/15, and hoenn07 for avalanche20, cake08, chain04/13, challengers03, and densetsu02/06
October 4, 2008
-Traded Cassandra my ico11 for ideya06
October 3, 2008
-Won godslayer08, ideya19, midgard02, and 1 character coupon from Pick a Hero
October 2, 2008
-Traded Phynix my focustower04 for android16
October 1, 2008
-Won 1 month coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
September 30, 2008
-Won exdeath11, nexus11, faerie04, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won heartless14, skeith01, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won simoleans01 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won gate20, heartless08, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won chao10, time11, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won wark08, guilty12, smash12, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won 5 stars from Mixed Cards
-Won terror13, villains19, trigger18, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won hero08, infection18, puzzle60, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won nexus02, freebird15, and focustower20 from War
-Won trauma11, picori15, and biowinter08 from Slots
-Won squire13, phazon05, crossing03, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won wark06, ebonystone05, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Took pokemon08, guilty17, and picture03 from weekly freebies
-Took picori16, graffiti12, and harvest06 from update freebies
-Traded Rhian my summoner10/13 and member/prejoin cards for legendary12/13 and member/prejoin cards
September 23, 2008
-Took seed18, zohar19, and picture08 from weekly freebies
September 16, 2008
-Took iluminados04, wonderland12, and picture06 from weekly freebies
September 9, 2008
-Took zohar18, apollo04, and picture14 from weekly freebies
September 7, 2008
-Took everywhereyougo20 and trials19 from Quitters' Cards (Christina)
-Took rebirth04 and giygas14 from Quitters' Cards (Yunira)
-Took marionette13, purification05, and brood01 from Quitters' Cards (MQC)
September 3, 2008
-Won mundus13, darkness17, rockman10, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won antaria03, arbitrator15, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won ablibidum11 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won ico05, force06, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won funkotron07, artisans02, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won crisis02, antaria05, valtiel01, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won kongquest13 and 1 character coupon from Mixed Up Cards
-Won smash06, calm13, nobodies04, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won ideya02, brood20, focustower04, puzzle58, 3 stars, and 1 month coupon from Hard Puzzle
-Won force20 and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 1
-Won heartless04, fonons14, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers 2
-Won scions06, mundus17, and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 3
-Won midgard02, avalanche04, and 3 stars from Link's Heart Containers 4
-Won chain14, silence19, powersuit06, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers grand prize
-Took pikpik15, fuuraiken03, and stones12 from update freebies
-Took puzzle47 and origin02 from Quitter's Cards (Christina)
-Received simoleans19, trauma06, starlight11/10, infection09, doatec06, picture15/19, cruxis02, phazon01, purification20, avalanche10, wii01, redshell03, albion01/07, machinamaw02, 1 character coupon, 2 series coupons, 1 special coupon, and 20 stars for mastering Devil, Phoenix, Brave, and Moogles
September 2, 2008
-Took wonderland19, hero19, and starlight05 from weekly freebies
August 30, 2008
-Traded Cassandra my sin08 for cake20
August 29, 2008
-Took puzzle51 from Quitter's Cards (Barbara)
-Took marionette15 and sun12 from Quitter's Cards (Yunira)
-Took calibur06, empires12, and redshell08 from Quitter's Cards (MQC)
August 28, 2008
-Won 1 series coupon and 5 stars from lottery
-Won silhouette03 and 5 stars from Pick a Hero
-Received devil15, brave20, sin13, moogles06/07, trauma19, keyofdestiny04, nemeton18, freebird08, valmar18, psychic16, dig06/07, and 20 stars for leveling up from nine to ten
August 26, 2008
-Won silence14, galaxy17, heartless01, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won friend03, silence15, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won quarantine04 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won reminisce08, trials06, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won apollo08, memorized12, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won redcrayon02, jiggies18, devil17, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won past04, crossing12, rune19, and 5 stars from Mixed Up Cards
-Won rosewater14, nemeton04, tomboy13, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won artisans20, biowinter04, puzzle57, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won midgard04, chronicles18, and godslayer11 from Slots
-Won supers13, galaxy19, focustower10, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won prophecy08, plissken06, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Took ancientrelic04 and ebonystone05/14 from update freebie
-Took conquer06, cake09/15, and masters02 from update freebie (omg cake mania deck?!)
-Took hoenn07, lions10, and dig05 from weekly freebies
-Took puzzle52 and redshell02 from Quitters' Cards (Christina)
August 21, 2008
-Traded Li my hoenn03/08, keyofdestiny19, plungers11, supers01/09/14, and albelxfayt06 for phoenix15, jiangshi11, azeroth07/11, albion15/18/20, and layout08
-Traded Queen Luna my heroofwinds03/05/08/12, infection08, mutation08/09, outbreak01/04/15, quarantine02/19/20, rebirth11/14/17, skeith17, tvirus04, wolf08/09/13, and member card for redshell17, challengers12, faerie15, tomboy16, darkness20, calm05, dysentery02/16, nobodies01, android14, ideya12/13/18, nightmare05/18, avalanche06, pompadour11/19, zohar15, freebird19, memorized08, and member card
-Took puzzle49 from Quitters' Cards (Barbara)
-Took legendary09 and avalanche08 from Quitters' Cards (Yunira)
-Took legendary19, albion10, and trials06 from Quitters' Cards (MQC)
August 19, 2008
-Took marionette10, infection09, and battleground10 from weekly freebies
August 18, 2008
-Traded Evilbo my plungers10, brood12, dragoon15, and arcadia12/16 for android01/10, chain16, challengers19, and summoner19
-Traded Shen my hoenn19, simlish19, and smash05 for densetsu11, nightmare06, and tomboy05
August 17, 2008
-Won speed04, gekiretsu10, dysentery11, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won antaria13, freebird17, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won quarantine02 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won rune15, keyofdestiny17, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won skeith01, past17, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won hoenn19, galaxy01, chain14, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won fun19, antihero13, terror19, and 5 stars from Mixed Up Cards
-Won gekiretsu08, emblems11, plungers05, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Traded Cassandra my mitochondria17, silhouette01/03/09/18, sin17, and dirge14/19 for albion05, chronicles02, dysentery17, faerie01, freebird02, and greencap01/10/13
-Traded Rahenna my battleground15, comet01, fortress09, magitek06/07, and member card for challengers11, faerie12, friend01, olive06, simoleans06, and member card
-Traded Arisa my lifestream05/13/14, cruxis09, rune14, esper04/17/18, alive17/20, chosen08/11, exdeath10, and member card for faerie02, trails12, densetsu09, olive01, sky05/17, avalanche18, keyblade14, pompadour15, justice13, chronicles19, dig18, iwanttobreakfree04, and member card
-Traded Dite my moogles04, roses08, seed01, time14, lions05/13/14, esper02/10, and holyknight02/03/04/05/11/15/17 for fullthrottle06, phoenix19, jiangshi15, redshell09/18/19, challengers07/20, summoner11/12/13/15, faerie09/13/18, and greencap12
-Doubles: my android20, arcadia08, arcadia16, azeroth13, brood12, chain01, challengers02, challengers08, dalmasca03, devil09, devil18, dewprism11, faerie07, gears02, heartless09, heroofwinds12, holyknight03, id09, infection11, lions12, magitek06, memorized01, memorized12, nexus06, nexus18, nightmare01, olive11, past10, rosewater08, silhouette05, sin06, sin15, summoner09, tomboy06, umn14, unfading02, legendary06/08, and loveme17/17 for freebird16, crossing07, hoenn05, pokemon17, brood03, ablibidum02, knuckles01, terror04, sin08, albion06, keyofdestiny01, chimera10/17, sacraments04/16, time09, dreamer02, gaia15, pargon10, chronicles02/03, marionette14, totema13, greencap10, redshell14, valtiel01, daaaaaah16, memorized10, unfading14, giygas04, brawl05, friend10, heroofwinds07, plungers05, summoner10, gekiretsu08, optimism15, legendary18, and loveme03/12
August 13, 2008
-Received knuckles13, tvirus04, dig07, brave10, 1 character coupon, and 5 stars for mastering Psychic
-Received phoenix09, sin05, moogles05, sky04, faerie11, cross01, dysentery18, mundus13, battleground15/09, and 15 stars for leveling up from eight to nine
-Traded Cassandra my member card for member card
-Won 1 character coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
August 12, 2008
-Won dysentery08, sacraments09, gate12, and 3 stars from Word Scramble
-Won android06, skeith17, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won lifestream19 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won dirge19, jiggies16, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won gate02, godslayer01, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won simoleans03, rosewater08, starroad05, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won pokemon07, reminisce03, umn09, and 5 stars from Mixed Up Cards
-Won antihero11, hume20, paragon19, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won antihero15, roses08, puzzle54, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won daaaaaah11, lifestream02, and calibur19 from Slots
-Won plungers16, forgetmenot09, mitochondria17, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from The Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won challengers08, swordian12, 1 month coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Won id09, keyofdestiny19, chao15, 1 character coupon, puzzle55, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won males10 from Extreme Puzzle round one
-Won jiangshi05 and greencap04 from Extreme Puzzle round two
-Won hoenn08, id15, friend08, and 1 series coupon from Extreme Puzzle round three
-Won knuckles19, sin06, heroofwinds12, cruxis09, gippalxrikku06, 1 special coupon, 1 series coupon, and 10 stars from Extreme Puzzle round four
-Won tomboy06 and 2 stars from Link's Heart Container 1
-Won rosewater08, paragon08, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Container 2
-Won hume09, wolf08, and 2 stars from Link's Heart Container 3
-Won marionette20, funkotron17, and 3 stars from Link's Heart Container 4
-Won chronicles17, antihero16, netherworld08, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Container password
-Won hoenn03 and 5 stars from Pick a Hero
-Took olive20, godslayer15, and battleground16 from weekly freebies
-Took dreamer05 and forgetmenot17 from update freebie
-Took battleground15 and dig17 from "just because" freebie <3
April 30, 2008
-Traded Teaza my crossing07, roses16, simlish10, starroad07/17, and rune02 for devil05, dysentery15, ideya08/15, and sin03/14
April 28, 2008
-Won fun07 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won valtiel01 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won antaria18 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won chimera02, rosewater02, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won id17 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won nightmare10, puzzle38, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won infection11, heroofwinds08, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won wonderland16, emblems19, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won holyknight05 ps202, and 5 stars from Rotating Game
-Won daaaaaah14, magitek06, comet01, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won greencap08, sengoku10, puzzle37, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won nexus18, holyknight04, and lions09 from Slots
-Won devil14, redshell05, mutation09, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won silhouette05, friend05, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Took loveme12/14 from update freebie
-Took psychic20, jiangshi08, freebird09, wonderland19, and friend02 from update freebies
-Took event09 from update freebie
-Traded Artemis my comet10 and exdeath05 for floralfallal10
April 23, 2008
-Won challengers02, devil09, dysentery07, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (37 moves)
-Won heartless09, umn14, score10, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
April 19, 2008
-Traded Dite my wildhorses01/04/08 and member card for score01/04/08 and member card
-Traded Dragonpoet my force08/09/19, doatec16, and member card for psychic15/17, chain01, calm12, and member card
April 18, 2008
-Won 1 character coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
April 17, 2008
-Won chimera04 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won outbreak15 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won rebirth11 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won exdeath10, rune14, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won lions14 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won force16, puzzle35, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won redshell04, cross08, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won knuckles11, emblems07, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won chimera07, starroad17, nightmare15, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Took fun15, apollo11, and reminisce15 from update freebies
-Took chao04, fortress09, and plissken07 from update freebies
-Traded Teaza my crossing01, galaxy06/18/20, myst16/17, speed10, flowergirl01/04, and member card for psychic19, avalanche10, dysentery12, keyblade08/19, nobodies09/15/17, tomboy13, and member card
-Traded Artemis my exdeath09/20, gaia14, phazon11, redwings05, and wolf03/08 for chain01, greencap17, olive02, phoenix18, pompadour17, tomboy03, and trials20
April 16, 2008
-Won funkotron15, id04, challengers16, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (171 moves)
-Took comet10, summoner09, score18, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
April 9, 2008
-Won emblems08, jiangshi14, infection11, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (118 moves)
-Took nightmare01, scions19, score07, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
April 5, 2008
-Received 10 stars for having the top number of matches in Lottery
April 4, 2008
Weekly games played before update
-Won galaxy06 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won artisans12 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won gate11 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won trauma14 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won dragoon15, puzzle31, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won hume17, galaxy06, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won gaia14, antihero09, 1 month coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won 1 special and 1 month coupon from Rotating Game
-Won trauma02, dysentery08, sin17, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won chosen08, spectre19, lions05, puzzle33, 1 pairing coupon, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won dalmasca02 from Extreme Puzzle part 1
-Won comet05 and greencap11 from Extreme Puzzle part 2
-Won ideya05, devil18, phazon11, and 1 month coupon from Extreme Puzzle part 3
-Won wolf08, magitek06, android20, spectre20, albelxfayt06, 2 character coupons, and 10 stars from Extreme Puzzle part 4
-Won redcrayon12, dragoon04, and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 1
-Won rune02, crossing07, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers 2
-Won silhouette18 and 2 stars from Link's Heart Containers 3
-Won dewprism11, emblems03, and 3 stars from Link's Heart Containers 4
-Won plungers10, memorized12, moogles04, and 5 stars from Link's Heart Containers grand prize
-Took score03, redwings05, event08, and 5 stars from update freebie
-Received psychic14/15, moogles03, rosewater04, past10, galaxy20, zombies16, empires06, mirror04/16, and 15 stars for leveling up from seven to eight
-Received 1 choice special credit for donating Mew pic for Pokemon deck
April 2, 2008
-Won zohar14, magitek10, chain20, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (143 moves)
-Took exdeath09, devil04, score14, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
March 31, 2008
-Turned in 2 series coupons and 1 month coupon for lifestream14, plungers17, and legendary01/06
March 28, 2008
-Won pompadour05, ico11, and 10 stars from Lottery
March 27, 2008
-Won umn06 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won dalmasca03 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won id09 and 1 star from Word Scramlbe 3
-Won heartless14 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won roses16, puzzle30, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won challengers01, flowergirl19, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won millennium19, myst17, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won purification10, nexus08, myst16, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won exdeath20, keyblade20, calibur03, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won galaxy10, arcadia16, puzzle29, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won wolf13, android20, and justice11 from War
-Won godslayer08, outbreak04, and antaria05 from Slots
-Won giygas19, hume08, supers12, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won outbreak01, infection08, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha
-Took exdeath05, dysentery07 (peperony and chease), marionette09, and event07 from update freebie
-Won iluminados17 and 5 stars from Pick a Hero
March 26, 2008
-Won quarantine19, ocarina13, magitek07, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peepin (63 moves)
-Took quarantine20, rebirth14, legendary03, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
March 23, 2008
-Traded Galanomne my alive04/14, magitek20, myst05, rune05/17, squire02/03/06/11/17/18, and unfading11/18 for brave03, chain11, justice03, nobodies16, phoenix04, psychic12, redshell10/15, trails07/09, fullthrottle01, and moogles04
March 22, 2008
-Received time14, trials01, sun09, galaxy18, legendary17/08/06/08/05/10, cross09, starroad07, calm08, ideya16, kongquest04, sin15, plungers13, esper10, greencap05, umn14, artisans09, supers06, optimism17, psychic04/07/08/09/11/13, 3 series coupons, 1 character coupon, and 20 stars for mastering Trauma, Funkotron, Simlish, and Alive
-Received 1 character coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
March 21, 2008
-Traded Phynix my albion13 and member card for crossing01 and member card
March 20, 2008
-Traded Cerri my daaaaaah06, galaxy04/12, iluminados07, lifestream18/19, and sacraments07 for memorized01, android05, challengers04/08, jiangshi09/13, and olive11
-Traded Tanakil my antaria16, esper04/06/20, and member/prejoin cards for chain02, devil13, summoner14/17, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Aku my trials16, phoenix11, iluminados06/08/09/14, trauma19, and member card for brave15, albion04/16, redshell14, challengers05, calm09, heartless09, and member card
-Traded Evilbo my alive01 and smash16 for psychic18 and summoner13
-Traded Artemis my feather01, kongquest16/17, starroad03, valmar02/05, wark03/10, and zombies20 for moogles09, challengers13, esper17/18, ideya14, phoenix12, psychic06, and tomboy18
-Traded NebulaChain my rebirth10 for densetsu03
March 19, 2008
-Won nightmare17 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won kongquest17 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won midgard12 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won holyknight03, antaria16, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won calm03 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won purification17, puzzle28, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won azeroth09, albion14, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won cross11, simlish15, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won albion08, avalanche13, and 2 stars from Rotating Game
-Won past07, nobodies18, funkotron03, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won rebirth17, memorized03, puzzle25, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won zohar20, memorized01, and esper20 from Slots
-Won trigger11, dirge17, plunger11, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won azeroth12, kongquest16, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Won trials16 from Extreme Puzzle part 1
-Won emblems18 and dirge14 from Extreme Puzzle part 2
-Won valtiel05, smash16, zohar10, and 1 series coupon from Extreme Puzzle part 3
-Won id01, heartless08, zombies20, millennium04, nintendods06, 1 character coupon, 1 series coupon, and 10 stars from Extreme Puzzle part 4
-Won nexus06, jiangshi04, and 2 stars from Link's Missing Hearts (heart 1)
-Won lions13 and 2 stars from Link's Missing Hearts (heart 2)
-Won dewprism06, jiggies04, and 5 stars from Link's Missing Hearts (heart 3)
-Won unfading02, lions12, and 3 stars from Link's Missing Hearts (heart 4)
-Won keyblade17, tomboy09, machinamaw06, and 5 stars from Link's Missing Hearts grand prize
-Took azeroth13, sun07, legendary04, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won wark03, jiangshi18, phoenix08, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (141 moves)
-Took ideya20 and greencap06 from update freebie
-Took wark10 and zohar09 from update freebie
-Won trauma19 (choice card) from Pick a Hero
-Traded Mirraya my midgard08/11/12/15/18/19, mutation03/12, rebirth01, albelxfayt08, and member/prejoin cards for trauma19, densetsu07/13, esper04/06, faerie07, olive11, squire02/06/17/18, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded El my cross11 and rebirth06 for faerie20 and gears02
March 12, 2008
-Took valmar05, silhouette01, optimism09, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won speed10, nightmare01, starroad03, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (190 moves)
March 8, 2008
-Traded Zii my trigger03, dalmasca10, gaia13, heroofwinds15, hume09/16/17, and past11 for chain09, faerie16, feather08, jiangshi19, olive09, simlish08, trauma17, and trials02
March 7, 2008
-Won redcrayon13, feather09, and 1 choice card credit for turning in 1 card to Collection Agency
March 6, 2008
-Traded Raven my lions04/13, sun03/06/07/10/18, and prejoin card for brave05, faerie07/11, psychic10, redshell11, loveme02/04, and prejoin card
March 1, 2008
-Traded Cloudy my chosen18 and member/prejoin cards for azeroth13 and member/prejoin cards
February 29, 2008
-Won galaxy12 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won sin11 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won albion09 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won heartless18, brood17, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won rebirth01 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won spectre16, puzzle24, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won speed05, phoenix11, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won perfect01, phoenix03, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won galaxy04, gaia12, esper04, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won memories20, perfect12, force19, puzzle26, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Received densetsu16, rebirth06, lifestream07, squire12, trauma01/08, loveme17, 1 character coupon, and 5 stars for mastering Trigger
-Doubles: my arbitrator02, arbitrator11, arbitrator15, azeroth08, brave07, chosen11, darkness06, doatec08, funkotron13, gate01, gears02, gears10, giygas16, godslayer11, godslayer11, lifestream13, nexus14, seed01, simlish01, simlish04, simlish06, simlish20, summoner06, sun07, sun10, supers14, trauma13, trauma13, trauma20, trigger09, and alive10/12/16/18/18/19 for summoner02, wolf09, arcadia08/16, calibur09, rebirth10, past10, dalmasca11, heroofwinds05, rune05, wolf03, redshell12, valtiel04, prophecy05, nexus12, dalmasca03, flowergirl01, chain05, flowergirl07, chimera10, simlish19, densetsu10, past01, albion13, id11, phoenix13, summoner10, arcadia12, simlish10, empires08, and alive14/04/20/17/15/01
-Traded NebulaChain my plungers10/13/16 and rebirth07 for brave19, simlish05, sin02, and loveme03
-Traded Evilbo my seed16, supers10/15, smash11, and gaia03 for funkotron20, jiangshi07/12, and sin04/09
-Traded Artemis my jiggies04 for gears12
-Traded El my gate13, rebirth17, ps308, albion11, and simlish17/18 for android04, calm04, challengers17, faerie06, jiangshi17, phoenix07, and trials13
-Traded Artemis my galaxy14, myst07/10/18, smash07/12, and twili14 for loveme05/06, avalanche12, android03, psychic01, and tomboy07/12
-Traded LuckyClover my rune04, flowergirl18/19, and member card for simlish14, trigger19, olive05, and member card
February 28, 2008
-Won doatec16 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won albion02 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won perfect18 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won memories16, gate01, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won gaia03 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won supers09, puzzle22, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won seed17, plungers16, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won jiggies04, rebirth17, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won memories04, redshell20, sacraments07, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won chosen11, valmar02, puzzle23, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won id08, chain18, and purification15 from Slots
-Won plungers13, godslayer11, devil08, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Took justice05, android15, keyblade11, and feather01 from update freebies
-Took nobodies12/14, tomboy01/06, challengers02/06, avalanche14/17, trials04/16, valmar05, sengoku06, and ps308 from update freebies
-Won albion11, gate13, twili14, and 1 character coupon from Pick a Hero
-Took simlish04 from Card Cemetery (Mousey)
-Took wildhorses02/20 and lions04 from Card Cemetery (Naomi)
-Took darkness06, iluminados07, godslayer19, and giygas14/15 from Card Cemetery (Chanda pt1)
-Took puzzle07, trauma06, and silhouette01/03 from Card Cemetery (Chanda pt2)
-Traded Cerri my dewprism07/08/11/14, iluminados15, and squire10/12/13/17/18 for darkness04/06, alive01, redshell01/16, trauma12, and phoenix01/10/20
-Traded Chaos my magitek03/09, past04/07, purification13, and unfading04 for jiangshi01/02, nightmare02, psychic02, simlish07, and loveme07
-Turned midgard05 into Collection Agency
-Received rebirth07, terror09, brood12, loveme17, 1 choice credit, and 1 series coupon for turning in a stamp card
-Traded Ariel my tears03 and member card for sin10 and member card
-Traded 0x my holyknight16 for albion17
February 27, 2008
-Took galaxy14, seed16, loveme18, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
-Won speed06, flowergirl08, trauma13, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (119 moves)
February 26, 2008
-Won 1 month coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
-Won 5 stars for getting 4 matches last lottery round
February 25, 2008
-Traded Artemis my galaxy02/10 for funkotron06 and loveme13
February 22, 2008
-Traded 0x my rune10 for funkotron05
-Traded Li my member/prejoin cards for member/prejoin cards
February 21, 2008
-Won rosewater07 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won millennium03 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won iluminados09 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won summoner06, psychic03, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won albion03 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won albion12, puzzle21, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won magitek13, past11, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won calm13, azeroth01, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won azeroth08, densetsu01, faerie10, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Took calm02, densetsu19, and pompadour14 from update freebies
-Took faerie05, chain06, and olive07 from update freebies
-Took albion13, psychic05/16, nightmare04, and jiangshi16 from update freebies
-Took trigger18 and wildhorses01/04 from Card Cemetery (Naomi)
-Took brave12/16, azeroth02/16, and darkness01 from Card Cemetery (Chanda pt1)
-Took alive08/09, loveme15, and puzzle06 from Card Cemetery (Chanda pt2)
-Took wildhorses08 from Card Cemetery (Mousey)
-Received trigger19/20, moogles02, myst18, hume17, simlish06, heroofwinds03, brave04, loveme17/19, and 15 stars for leveling up from six to seven
-Traded Artemis my magitek14, heroofwinds18, and member/prejoin cards for phoenix17, trauma07, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Forks my member card for member card
-Traded Forks my supers12 and prophecy07 for phoenix06 and simlish16
February 20, 2008
-Took albion11, myst10, loveme09, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won plungers10, holyknight17, gears02, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (76 moves)
February 13, 2008
-Took silhouette05, pompadour08, loveme08, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won midgard19, simlish18, gears10, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (114 moves)
February 12, 2008
-Received trauma13, rune04, arcadia08, mutation12, loveme10, 2 1 choice credits, and 5 stars for leveling up from five to six
February 10, 2008
-Won galaxy10, smash05, and 10 stars from lottery
February 9, 2008
-Won crossing07 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won unfading11 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won galaxy02 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won mutation08 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won sky20, puzzle19, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won godslayer11, chosen11, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won memories09, seed01, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won midgard18, gate05, puzzle20, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won magitek14, dewprism07, and trigger09 from War
-Won trauma20, flowergirl19, and sun10 from Slots
-Won hume16, arbitrator15, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Took galaxy16 from update freebie
-Took event06, 20 stars, hume09, memorized12, daaaaaah06, redshell13, and trigger10 from update freebies
-Took godslayer06 and spectre06 from Card Cemetery (AiraJean)
-Took simlish18 from Card Cemetery (Mousey)
-Received redshell07, sun18, gaia13, nexus01, loveme11, 1 character coupon, 2 choice normal credits, and 5 stars for mastering Tears
February 8, 2008
-Received gears10, esper02, knuckles07, 1 series coupon, 1 choice card credit, and 3 stars for donating deck images
February 6, 2008
-Took prophecy07, nexus14, loveme01, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won ocarina12, trigger03, supers14, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (27 moves!!)
-Traded Sasuke my chosen19, mutation07, and prejoin card for sky12, trauma03, and prejoin card
February 5, 2008
-Traded Seiya my ocarina10/13 and member/prejoin cards for simlish20, summoner06, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Jaenne my gears01, silhouette07, and member/prejoin cards for phoenix14, sin07, and member/prejoin cards
February 4, 2008
-Traded 0x my member/prejoin cards for member/prejoin cards
-Traded Artemis my past14 for trauma10
February 3, 2008
-Won squire02 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won rosewater01 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won simlish20 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won arbitrator11, godslayer03, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won sin06 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won dalmasca10, puzzle18, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won rune07, iluminaods08, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won lifestream05, magitek09, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won magitek19, arbitrator02, darkness11, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won midgard08, midgard11, flowergirl04, puzzle17, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won dewprism08 from Extreme Puzzle part 1
-Won funkotron13 and past07 from Extreme Puzzle part 2
-Won chosen18, brave14, iluminados06, and 1 character coupon from Extreme Puzzle part 3
-Won smash07, midgard15, gears18, giygas16, cliffxfayt10, 1 series coupon, 1 special coupon, and 10 stars from Extreme Puzzle part 4
-Won 1 choice card credit from Pick a Hero
-Traded Vielle my member/prejoin cards for member/prejoin cards
-Traded 0x my heartless20 for funkotron14
February 2, 2008
-Traded Galanomne my dalmasca18, esper05/08, magitek04/08/13/18, and member/prejoin cards for azeroth17, darkness17, devil07/09, funkotron01, simlish09, sky04, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Wing my member/prejoin cards for member/prejoin cards
-Traded Emily my dream08, azeroth02/19, and member/prejoin cards for tears19, devil03, trauma13, and member/prejoin cards
February 1, 2008
-Traded Kim my crossing15 and member/prejoin cards for simlish19 and member/prejoin cards
-Traded MandyF my force06/14, prophecy05, sun05, and member/prejoin cards for funkotron03, trauma11/14/16, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Zii my heroofwinds05 and member/prejoin cards for alive07 and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Tyna my dream17 for alive20
January 31, 2008
-Traded Chaos my brood08, ocarina01/14, dalmasca09/19, purification07, and member/prejoin cards for azeroth20, summoner07, trauma02, trigger02/05/06, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Sam my chosen02, flowergirl13, and member/prejoin cards for trigger08/11 and member/prejoin cards
-Doubles: my esper02, past04, simlish01, tears02, trigger15, and alive14/17 for simlish01, force08, chosen19, giygas16, sky14, and alive18/16
-Traded Tyna my dalmasca11, esper02, myst03/13, and member/prejoin cards for devil17, simlish17, sin01/15, and member/prejoin cards
-Took tears09/16 from Card Cemetery (AiraJean)
-Took simlish02 from Card Cemetery (Mousey)
-Turned in 2 month coupons for alive05, alive10, alive12, and alive18
-Spent 124 stars at City of DS!: 4 consoles/games (20 stars), 7 pictures (42 stars), 1 month choice card: alive06 (15 stars), 1 random month card: alive04 (7 stars), 1 random special card: albelxfayt08 (15 stars), and 1 Heroine card package: brave07, doatec08, lifestream13, rune17, sun07 (25 stars)
-Traded El my gate09 and member/prejoin cards for tears03 and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Cerri my giygas18, holyknight08, iluminados06, and prejoin card for phoenix02/05, simlish11, and prejoin card
-Traded Megumi my sky11 and member/prejoin cards for tears15 and member/prejoin cards
-Received simlish17, silhouette07, lifestream19, alive19, 1 one choice normal credit, and 1 month coupon from turning in a stamp card
January 30, 2008
-Took nexus03, mutation03, alive02, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Won midgard12, smash12, holyknight11, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (83 moves)
-Traded Yuki my ocarina16, past12, and member/prejoin cards for brave01, trigger12, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Evilbo my crossing02/06, spectre11/15/17, and member/prejoin cards for devil01/12, tears14, trigger04, sky11, and member/prejoin cards
-Traded NebulaChain my midgard08, lifestream19, and member/prejoin cards for tears01/03 and member/prejoin cards
-Traded Diana my mutation03, smash04/07/10, and member/prejoin cards for summoner01, trauma20, funkotron18, azeroth02, and member/prejoin cards
January 29, 2008
-Got my prejoin card
-Traded Sasuke my mutation05, doatec06/07/19, chosen08/16, midgard17, and member card for brave17, devil06, funkotron10, simlish06/15, trigger01/09, and member card
-Received midgard08, giygas18, ocarina16, alive14, 1 choice normal credit, and 1 series coupon for turning in a stamp card
January 28, 2008
-Won mutation03 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won millennium15 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won doatec06 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won ocarina09, myst03, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won trigger15 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won doatec19, puzzle15, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won doatec08, crossing02, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won smash11, dalmasca11, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won devil11, funkotron02, holyknight03, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won supers10, lifestream13, puzzle16, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won sin08, simlish13, and magitek20 from War
-Won sky18, smash10, and summoner09 from Slots
-Won brave13, silhouette16, millennium14, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won nexus14, esper02, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Received supers12, rune10, smash07, mutation07, alive16, 2 1 choice normal credits, and 5 stars for leveling up from 4 to 5
-Doubles: my brave13, brave18, crossing02, crossing02, dalmasca18, doatec19, funkotron02, lifestream13, memories07, nexus14, rosewater12, simlish01, sin19, spectre15, squire03, tears05, tears20, trauma18, and alive14 for esper05, unfading18, past04, lions07, unfading06, darkness09, myst13, sky15, magitek04, esper08/02, tears02, squire14, holyknight02, spectre01, simlish01, giygas08, force06, and alive17
-Won 1 series coupon and 5 stars from lottery
-Traded Raven my flowergirl11/15, iluminados02/18, nexus04, prophecy04, rosewater01/18, and member card for devil19, funkotron17/19, tears11, trigger13/14/15/16, and member card
January 25, 2008
-Received tears05, iluminados06, lions13, crossing02, alive14, 2 1 choice card credits, 1 pairing coupon, and 5 stars for mastering Arbitrator
January 24, 2008
-Traded Cerri my member card for member card
January 23, 2008
-Won flowergirl13, heartless20, holyknight16, and 1 month coupon from Pick a Hero
-Traded Ariad my doatec04 and wildhorses02 for funkotron11 and trauma18
-Took ocarina01, magitek08, alive12, and 1 pairing coupon from weekly freebies
-Won ocarina10, supers01, silhouette15, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (111 moves)
January 22, 2008
-Traded NebulaChain my force15 and midgard02/03/12 for moogles08, sin19, and trauma18
-Traded Vikitty my midgard14 for devil16
January 21, 2008
-Won unfading04 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won chosen16 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won sun11 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won gears01, puzzle14, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won gate01, lifestream18, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won past14, unfading02, 1 pairing coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won dalmasca18, past04, flowergirl11, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won heroofwinds18, flowergirl18, puzzle13, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won gears07, iluminados15, and summoner08 from War
-Won tears17, smash04, and dalmasca09 from Slots
-Won midgard17, crossing02, magitek03, 1 month coupon, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won prophecy11, iluminados14, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha?
-Took gate09, gameboy02, and nintendods07 from update freebie
-Received my member card!
January 16, 2008
-Won heroofwinds05, dewprism18, magitek18, 1 special coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (168 movies)
-Took myst05, past03, alive10, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
January 15, 2008
-Traded 0x my darkness10 for tears18
January 14, 2008
-Traded Deirdree my wildhorses20 for sin19
-Traded Megumi my myst02 for funkotron07
-Traded Zii my summoner05, flowergirl01/03/10, gaia19, ocarina04/09/15/18, rune08, sky10, and heartless20 for brave06, devil18/20, simlish04/10, tears02/06/12/20, trauma04/05, and alive19
January 13, 2008
-Traded Jaenne my iluminados11 for arbitrator03
-Won 1 series coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
January 12, 2008
-Received brood11, squire13, dalmasca18, rosewater01, alive11, 2 choice card credits, and 5 stars for leveling up from three to four
-Traded Vikitty my esper15, dream14, and past19 for layout01 and brave13
-Traded Raven my dalmasca02/13/14/18 for devil02, funkotron02/13, and tears05
-Traded chanda my gears15 and giygas16 for funkotron08 and tears20
-Traded Cerri my rosewater10 for arbitrator18
January 11, 2008
-Won rosewater10 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won brave08 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won gears02 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won godslayer11 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won brave18, puzzle11, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won rosewater12, silhouette07, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won myst07, esper15, 1 character coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won memories02/07, simlish03, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Took machinamaw05 from Card Cemetery
-Got 1 choice card credit for helping Megumi <3
-Took devil10, gears15, and giygas16 from update freebie
-Traded Vielle my dalmasca07/20 for funkotron15 and trigger03
January 9, 2008
-Won unfading01, sun10, crossing15, 1 character coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (77 moves)
-Took seed01, darkness14, alive03, and 1 series coupon from weekly freebies
-Traded Tyna my flowergirl08 for tears07
January 8, 2008
-Received spectre15, phoenix11, prophecy04, rosewater12, alive17, 1 choice credit, and 5 stars for donating a set of level badges
January 7, 2008
-Traded Ariad my doatec05, seed13, purpose05, and wildhorses13/15 for funkotron04/16, floralfallal06, and alive13/14
January 3, 2008
-Traded Lilly my holyknight01 for arbitrator16
-Traded Cerri my rosewater11 for funkotron09
January 2, 2008
-Won dalmasca20 and 1 star from Word Scramble 1
-Won purification07 and 1 star from Word Scramble 2
-Won sky10 and 1 star from Word Scramble 3
-Won midgard05, heroofwinds15, and 2 stars from Blurry
-Won tears10 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won memories08, puzzle08, and 1 star from Easy Puzzle
-Won trauma15, chosen08, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won silhouette09, spectre17, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won gaia19, chosen02, lifestream19, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won doatec19, nexus18, puzzle09, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won dalmasca02, seed07, and memories07 from Slots
-Won iluminados11, darkness10, chosen19, 1 series coupon, puzzle10, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won sin18 from Extreme Puzzle Part 1
-Won chosen02 and purification13 from Extreme Puzzle Part 2
-Won flowergirl15, squire03, nexus14, and 1 character coupon from Extreme Puzzle Part 3
-Won midgard14, flowergirl08, millennium07, dalmasca13, moogles01, 1 series coupon, 1 character coupon, and 10 star coins from Extreme Puzzle Part 4
-Took heartless20, phoenix16, funkotron12, and event04 from update freebie
-Took trauma09, lions12, myst02, rosewater18, and event05 from update freebie
-Took layout05 from update freebie
-Won holyknight01, azeroth19, mutation05, 1 series coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (101 moves)
-Took flowergirl10, iluminados18, alive18, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
-Won ocarina18, rosewater11, rune08, and 1 series coupon from Pick a Hero
-Won 1 series coupon and 5 stars from Lottery
-Traded chanda my chosen02/19 for arbitrator04/06
-Traded Mousey my seed07 for arbitrator05
-Traded Tyna my lifestream12 for arbitrator08
-Doubles: my arbitrator11, azeroth04, azeroth19, dalmasca13, doatec05, memories07, nexus04, sky10, summoner03, tears13, and purpose05 for summoner18, squire03, godslayer13, heroofwinds12, iluminados02, force09, sun07, simlish12/01, brood08, and moogles10
December 15, 2007
-Received arbitrator20, seed13, purification18, midgard12, dream14, and 5 stars for leveling up from two to three
-Traded Lilly my holyknight02/03/10 for arbitrator12, sin12, and trigger07
-Won 1 pairing coupon and 5 stars from lottery
December 14, 2007
-Traded Galanomne my dalmasca08 for arbitrator14
December 13, 2007
-Took crossing06, magitek13, trigger17, and event02/03 from update freebies
-Took sky08, wildhorses14, and 1 series coupon from referral rewards
-Took darkness03, rune05, and sky10 from update freebies
-Won dalmasca08 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 1)
-Won brave09 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 2)
-Won squire17 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 3)
-Won summoner03 and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won holyknight03, puzzle04, and 1 star from Puzzle
-Won flowergirl20, holyknight08, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won doatec07, squire10, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won spectre10, seed16, supers14, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won present07 from Christmas event (Part One)
-Won present10 from Christmas event (Part Two)
-Won present09 from Christmas event (Part Three)
-Won present05 from Christmas event (Part Four)
-Won present04 from Christmas event (Part Five) (I really need to play that again)
-Won present09 from Christmas event (Part Six)
-Won present05 from Christmas event (Part Seven)
-Won present01 from Christmas event (Part Eight)
-Won present10 from Christmas event (Part Nine)
-Won present07 from Christmas event (Part Ten)
-Won present01 from Christmas event (Part Eleven)
-Won present02 from Christmas event (Part Twelve
-Won present09 from Christmas event (Part Thirteen)
-Won present06 from Christmas event (Part Fourteen)
-Won present01 from Christmas event (Final) yaaaaay!
-Traded Shiro my seed16 for arbitrator10
-Traded NebulaChain my supers11 for arbitrator17
December 12, 2007
-Took ocarina04, midgard02, dream17, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
-Took wildhorses15 and dream08 from advent calendar
December 11, 2007
-Traded Cerri my wildhorses07 for sin17
December 9, 2007
-Traded Selenitia my seed17 and unfading13/16 for arbitrator02/11 and brave02
December 6, 2007
-Traded NebulaChain my doatec17 for arbitrator13
-Traded Ariad my lifestream02 for tears13
-Took a special coupon for suggesting quest givers (forum)
-Received arbitrator07/11, supers11, azeroth04, memories11, prophecy09, wildhorses02, and 5 stars for leveling up from one to two
December 5, 2007
-Took past12, seed17, event01, and layout03/04 from update freebies
-Took doatec05, ocarina15, and spectre11 from update freebies
-Won squire20 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 1)
-Won brave07 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 2)
-Won flowergirl01 and 1 star from Word Scramble (word 3)
-Won tears04, ocarina09, and 1 star from Moogle Memory
-Won force15, sun14, puzzle01, and 1 star from Puzzle
-Won arbitrator15, squire11/19, and 1 star from Card Puzzle
-Won holyknight02, lifestream12, nexus04, 1 series coupon, and 2 stars from Tic Tac Toe
-Won dalmasca07, azeroth03, unfading13, and 2 stars from Trivial Trivia
-Won summoner05, spectre15, sun03, 1 pairing coupon, and 2 stars from WhoWha
-Won summoner03, flowergirl03, ocarina14, 1 character coupon, puzzle02, and 2 stars from Medium Puzzle
-Won squire12, sun05, and azeroth04 from Slots
-Won brood12/19, past19, dewprism20, 2 series coupons, and 3 stars from Hunt for the Sun Goddess
-Won midgard03, azeroth05, dewprism11, ocarina13, 2 character coupons, puzzle03, and 3 stars from Hard Puzzle
-Won dalmasca14 from Extreme Puzzle (part 1)
-Won brave18 and sin20 from Extreme Puzzle (part 2)
-Won doatec04, unfading16, nexus06, and 1 series coupon from Extreme Puzzle (part 3)
-Won holyknight15, nexus04, supers15, doatec05, purpose05, 1 character coupon, 1 series coupon, and 10 stars from Extreme Puzzle (part 4) yay
-Took azeroth19, dalmasca19, wildhorses20, and 1 character coupon from weekly freebies
-Won squire18, azeroth08, dalmasca18, azeroth18, 1 special coupon, and 3 stars from Peeptin (with 215 moves)
-Won force14, lifestream13, tears13, and 1 pairing coupon from Pick a Hero
-Took memories07, dream11, and simlish01 from update freebies
December 3, 2007
-Received prophecy05 for getting starter pack up
December 2, 2007
-Joined! Received arbitrator01/09/19, brave11, dalmasca13, dewprism14, doatec17, holyknight10, lifestream02, machinamaw01, purpose05, sun06, tears08, unfading13, wildhorses07/13, 2 character coupons, 2 series coupons, and 10 star coins in my starter pack